Nigerian Culture
German Culture
Nigerian Business Culture
German Business Culture
Nigerian Values
What is Nigerians official language?
Name two of Germany's famous classical composers
Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Wagner and Richard Strauss.
What does age earn an individual
Wisdom and respect in a company
What is the importance of planning? explain
In many respects, Germans can be considered the masters of planning. This is a culture that prizes forward thinking and knowing what they will be doing at a specific time on a specific day. The German thought process is extremely thorough, with each aspect of a project being examined in great detail. Careful planning, in one’s business and personal life, provides a sense of security.
Why is small talk important?
Creates relationship and trust that they value.
What are the two most dominant religions
Christianity and Muslim
What is Germany's Purity Law (rheinheitsgebot)?
decreed that beer could only be brewed from barley, hops and water
What is the hierarchical structure of Nigerian Business
Top down, Most decisions made on top level and trickle down
What is the difference between work and personal life?
A huge divide, and they don't let their work define them as a person.
Should you soft sell or hard sell?
Soft sell, the facts aren't always the most important to them. They want to see if they are getting a fair deal.
What is their national sport
Who is the biggest minority in Germany
Nigerian people are _____ oriented?
What is relationship
How is change looked at in a business context?
Germans do not like surprises. Sudden changes in business transactions, even if they may improve the outcome, are unwelcome.
Why is so much time allotted from the beginning of a deal to the signing of the contract?
They want everything on thought out and they are not in a rush. It seems pushy to try to speeden up the process even if it is costing them money to wait.
How many tribes live in Nigeria
over 250
What is the major religion, and the major sects of it
Christianity: Catholic and Protestant
How are managers suppose to work with their employees
managers are expected to lead quite strongly. The boss is expected to make decisions (with or without wider consultation) and the decisions of the boss are expected to be carried out to the letter.
Why are compliments not very common
Germans work towards perfectionism and even if you do a great job it is not common to give compliments on work.
Why did the Nigerians want all 120 employees to be hired? and why was that not negotiable in their eyes.
The collectivistic nature of their culture didn't think of each person but that this was a group and was giving them all an opportunity for employment. If all but one was hired it would make the deal incomplete.
Name two of the three major tribes
Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo
Name the largest cathedral in Germany(the world)
Ulm Cathedral
How would you speak with a Nigerian manager coming from another country?
Business conversations will often veer towards the personal and you may be asked questions about family, hobbies and other interests within business meetings. This is an important section of the meeting and should be treated as such. It is not seen as overly personal but rather as a signal of warmth and friendship.
What is the typical business etiquette when at a dinner or lunch?
If attending a business lunch or other meal, wait for the host to initiate most things - drinking wine, eating and conversation. Make sure to wish everyone Guten Appetit before digging in. When toasting chime in with Prost! or Zum Wohl!, and look other guests in the eyes when clinking glasses. Hopefully, the meal will follow the German toast Erst mach' dein' Sach dann trink' und lach! (First take care of business, then drink and laugh!)
Why were the nigerians negotiating the process double of their average income, and how could this be problematic in the future for business internationaly with Nigeria.
They think negotiatiing and bartering is an admired trait. As well they want to become more westernized and that starts with better wages. This could become more problematic when it comes to doing business with different nations because the nations are coming their for the cheapest price and these businesses could go elsewhere and could end up hurting their economy losing these investments.