Discussion Questions
Who Said It?
The Yellow Star
How do the Germans first behave toward the people of Sighet? What is the most likely reason for this?
What is At first, the Germans treat the people of Sighet nicely. Their attitude towards the Jews is distant, yet polite, as they treat the Jews with respect. These Germans may have be this way in order to gain the trust of the Jews to eventually overtake and overpower them.
“Why do you pray, Moshe?”
Who is Elie Wiesel? (Pg. 2) He is questioning his place in the world and how his religious prayers relate to his worries.
This is the protagonist.
Who is Elie Wiesel?
These were the first Jewish people deported from their homes.
Who are Foreign Jews?
He is the leader behind the Holocaust.
Who is Adolf Hitler?
On page 11 when discussing the yellow star the Jewish people were made to wear, Elie’s father says about the star, “its not lethal.” Review Elie’s comments regarding his father’s words. Explain what Elie means by his reply.
What is: In his reply, Elie regards the irony of the statement by questioning of what his father really died of. The irony in this situation is that the Yellow Star, which Elie’s father questions the lethality of, eventually kills him. This Yellow Star represents the persecution and segregation of the Jews in concentration camps under the Nazis. Eventually, the rigors and brutalities of the concentration camps, combined with malnutrition, lead to Elie’s father developing dysentery. This eventually results in his death. Elie expresses his emotions by using this ironic statement and foreshadows events to come.
“I have terrible news, Deportation.”
Who is Elie’s Father (Shlomo Wiesel), (Pg. 11) Elie's father is telling his family and friends what was said and told at the meeting.
This character is the main character's father.
Who is Shlomo Wiesel?
Following this Jewish holiday, the Nazis declare that the Jews of Sighet have to wear the Yellow Star.
What is Passover?
These were the name of the small, isolated areas of the city where the Jewish were kept until they could be shipped off to concentration camp.
What are ghettos?
On page 12, Elie says the ghetto was "ruled by delusion." What does he mean by this?
What is: The Jews during this period were living in a state of denial. They never thought that something like the Holocaust would have occurred. Their idea was that they were to live in the ghetto until the war was over and then be sent back home to live their normal lives.
“Jews listen to me! I can see a fire! There are huge flames! It is a furnace!”
Who is Madame Schachter (Pg. 23) Madame Schachter is foreshadowing the crematory at the concentration camps. She constantly yells of a fire while on the train but people refuse to believe her when all that is visible outside the windows is the darkness of the night.
This character taught Elie about the Cabbala.
Who is Moshe the Beadle?
These possessions were taken from the Jews before leaving for the camps.
What is gold, silver, and watches?
After WW2, this many concentration camps were set up in Europe.
What is 15,000?
On page 20 Elie says that he and his family refused to be separated; in retrospect, how is this sadly ironic?
What is: In retrospect, it is sadly ironic that Elie said that he and his family refused to be separated because not only in they do they end up getting separating, but they also almost end up wanting to be separated. The first time the family is separated is at Auschwitz, when they are separated into males and females. Then for a stretch, Elie and his dad are okay, surviving selections and moving from camp to camp. However, as Elie becomes more and more desparate for food, and his dad becomes more difficult to take care of, is is not even as when his father is killed, but is relieved. In the end, it is sadly ironic that Elie says his family would not get separated because he is eventually alone by the end.
“The yellow star? Oh well, what of it? You don’t die of it…”
Who is Elie’s Father (Shlomo Wiesel), (Pg. 9) This quote is ironic because Elie's father later dies because of the yellow star.
This character screams on about fire.
Who is Madame Schacter?
The secret of where the Jews of Sighet are going to be taken is unknown to all but this person.
Who is the President of the Jewish Council?
These people ran the ghettos and were responsible for arranging the deportation to camps.
Who are Judenrat (Jewish Council)?
Elie now refers to Mrs. Schachter as a prophet. What does this mean?
What is: A prophet is a person regarded as an inspiring teacher or proclaimer to the will of God. Elie refers to Mrs. Schachter as a prophet because, dispite all of her screaming on the cattle car, she can see into the future. The fact that she saw fire and the furnaces was a warning to the Jews.
"There’s someone knocking on the blocked-up window, the one that faces outside!”
Who is Batia Reich (Pg. 12) Batia Reich notices that someone is knocking on the Wiesels' house. This man is a friend of Elie's father who is in the Hungarian Police force. He could have potentially warned them of their impending doom in the Holocaust and helped them escape. Unfortunately, the family does not let this man inside and is never able to escape the horrors of the Holocaust.
This is Elie's oldest sister.
Who is Hilda Wiesel?
The Wiesel Family is set to be deported from Sighet on this day of the week.
What is Tuesday?
This man was appointed Propaganda Minister and given totalitarian control over the media, arts and information in Hitler’s regime over Germany. He became one of the most effective propagandists in history.
Who is Joseph Goebbels?