This is the name of the town that Elie grew up in:
This is the name of Elie's father:
Shlomo Wiesel
This is Elie's full name:
Eliezer Wiesel
When the Jews are first sent to Auschwitz, they are transported in these:
Cattle cars
This character said the following:
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in the camp, which has turned my life into one long night.
Elie Wiesel
This is where the Jews were forced to stay before being deported (there is a large and a small one):
This is the name of the man who becomes Elie's master in Sighet:
Moishe the Beadle
This is how old Elie is at the beginning of the book:
When Elie arrives at the concentration camp, this person reassures him that he will survive:
His father
This is what Elie means when he says:
Where is God now?
... here He is--hanging on this gallows.
How can God allow such awful things to happen?
Questioning his faith
This is the name of the camp that Elie arrives at first:
This character played the violin before he died:
This is what happens to Elie's foot during the winter:
It becomes infected and full of puss
This is what Elie's father gets beaten for:
Not marching in step
This is what Elie means when he says:
In the depths of my being, I felt that I was nothing but a body.
He has been dehumanized and no longer is an individual person.
This is the name of the camp where Elie worked in an electrical factory:
This man was known as the "Doctor of Death":
Dr. Mengele
This is what Elie does when he finds Idek with the girl:
He laughs
These are the ages that Elie and his father give when asked in Auschwitz:
18 and 40
The flames reached out to us.
This is the type of figurative language, and what it means:
The crematorium was dangerous, hot, and inevitable.This is the name of the camp that Elie is liberated from:
The is the name of Elie's oldest sister:
Hilda Wiesel
When Elie first enters Auschwitz, he says this is his job:
A farmer
During the march from one camp to the next near the end of the book, Elie and the other Jews are forced to run this distance (kilometers or miles):
20 kilometers - 12.5 miles
We were not marching, we were crawling.
This is the type of figurative language, and what it means:
(the answer is not "they were moving slowly")
The Jews were so malnourished and broken down.