The local poor man living in Sighet, who helps Elie to study Kabbalah.
Who is Moishe the Beadle
Elie is originally from this place
What is Sighet, Transylvania
The first place Elie is segregated to within the city of Sighet.
What is the ghetto?
Extreme poverty or destitution
What is Penury.
Job's author.
Who is unknown
Elie's youngest sister
Who is Tsiporah
Elie is _____ years old at the beginning of the book.
What is 12 years old
8 words that changed Elie's life forever.
What is, "Men to the left, women to the right."
Required by as if by law
What is Compulsory.
Job takes place in the land of...
What is the land of Uz
Who is Shlomo?
The third camp Elie is imprisoned in.
What is Buna.
After Elie receives a beating from his Kommandant, who wipes the blood from his face and shows him kindness?
Who is the French woman?
The definition of Pious
What is extremely religious or faithful
Ha-Satan means...
What is the adversary or opposer
The woman who has a vision of fire whilst in the cattle cars.
Who is Mrs. Schachter.
Elie is liberated in this month
What is April?
In Chapter 8, Elie's father is suffering from this disease
What is dysentery?
The definition of Base
What is a human's actions or feelings without moral principles
The two mythical beasts that God created and only He can tame
What are Behemoth and Leviathan
The name of the Kommandant of Elie's group at Buna who beats him for no reason.
Who is Idek
Elie's father dies within this camp.
What is Buchenwald.
The Jewish Holiday that celebrates the New Year.
What is Rosh Hashanah?
The definition of Surreptitious
What is to keep something secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
Job has this many chapters
What is 42 chapters