What is the name of the village that Elie is from?
Who is selected to die in the camp?
The sick, elderly, and women and children
What is the inheritance that Elie's father gives him?
A spoon and a knife
Who is Zalman?
The one who has stomach issues and falls over in the snow
What camp do Elie and his father end up going to?
What does Elie Study by day and by night?
What does the soup taste like at the end of chapter 4?
What do the prisoners fear more than anything in the camps?
How has there been a role reversal between Elie and his father?
He now feels that his father will die if something happens to him and that he must take care of his father.
What stares back at Elie at the end of the novel?
A corpse
How is Mrs. Schachter silenced?
She is beaten and gagged
How does Elie's relationship with God transform?
He begins to lose faith in God
Why is Elie in the hospital?
His foot is injured
To what does Elie refer when he says he sees the “strange overwhelming little corpse”?
Juliek's violin
When Elie wakes up the next day, what does he find?
His father is gone
Who comes to offer refuge to Elie’s family? What is his father’s response?
Martha/ No
What profession does Ellie say that he is to pass selection?
A farmer
What are Elie’s thoughts during the prayer being said for Rosh Hashanah?
That God is nothing and man is stronger.
What are the overall conditions of the march to the next camp?
Snows relentlessly, icy wind, prisoners are made to march in the winter storm for hours. If they stop, they will be shot, or they will freeze to death. If they fall over, they will be trampled
In what ways does Elie try to help his father while he is sick?
He brings him soup and water, he stays with him when he can, and he begins staying with him by pretending to be an invalid himself.
Why is Elie so upset by how Schachter is acting?
Elie is young and had never seen a grownup lose control like her
Why was the Jewish Dentist hanged?
He is involved in an illegal trade of gold
What is Yom Kippur?
A time of self reflection and fasting
What does Juliek's violin symbolize?
His passions and dreams. The life he could've had
Why is Elie angry with his father right after they disembark from the train at the camp?
Because his father seems to have given up the will to live; Elie is also afraid of losing his father.