Who is the pumpkin king?
Jack Skellington
What holiday is in the nightmare before christmas?
Christmas - if you say Halloween, you get 1/2 credit!
Say all 8 /r/ sounds correctly:
/or/, /er/, /air/, /ear/, /er/, /ire/, /ar/, /ruh/
What type of toy is Sally?
A rag doll
What town is Jack king of?
Halloween Town
Challenge: Each person say the sentence on the next page correctly. Whoever has the FEWEST errors gets the points.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a great movie.
Where was Santa kept captive in the Nightmare before Christmas?
The lair of Boogeyman.
Who are the three kids Jack sent to get Santa Claus?
Lock, Shock, and Barrel
Teach your partner how to say the /s/ sound with NO EXTRA SLURPINESS or AIR!
YAY! You are rocking it.
Is the Mayor a hero or a villian?
At the beginning of the movie, what displays on the door that the camera take you through?
a pumpkin
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Say the tongue twister below. You have 1 chance with 0 errors to get DOUBLE POINTS! If you lose, you lose DOUBLE the POINTS!
She hears the close buzz of the closed bus while the rice that she's eating rises from her stomach.
Which character rides a motorcycle and has two different voices?
The Clown with the Tear Away Face;.
Complete the lyrics from the song, This is Halloween: Harlequin Demon, …, and Melting Man, Scream! This is Halloween: _____________
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Say the following tongue twister for DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!
I found an ear, near a snear, didn't you hear?