This famous child star developed problems with alcohol and drugs by the age of 14. She has since gone on to play in films with Adam Sandler and even has her own talk show.
Drew Barrymore
Taking time to focus on your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness and health.
Self Care
This three-word slogan encourages taking life at a manageable pace
One Day at a Time
MAT or Medication Assisted Treatment, is primarily used to treat these two types of substance use disorders.
What is a return to behaviors that was previously stopped?
This musician passed away from an overdose at the age of 27. She was best known for her song Rehab.
Amy Winehouse
It is essential to be aware of these, as they can lead to cravings and relapse.
This slogan advises against over thinking
Keep it Simple
What are feelings of worry, uneasiness, or dread associated with?
This emotional state characterized by sadness or hopelessness, can be a relapse risk factor.
This actor was a notorious bad boy in his career (80's and 90's). He has been in recovery several time and is now clean and sober. He is a SUPERHERO.
Robert Downy Jr.
A negative sentiment that is felt over time and is considered a trigger for relapse for a person in recovery.
HALT is an acronym for these four common triggers.
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
A violent or aggressive behavior which occurs within the home. It is common while a person is under the influence of a substance.
Domestic Violence
Negative thoughts or feelings are what type of triggers?
Internal Triggers
This famous actor and star of movies like 300 and Chasing Mavericks entered rehab in 2021 for his addiction to pain killers.
Gerard Butler
The first symptom experienced as a sign you are developing a substance abuse disorder
Increased Tolerance
This type of planning is a roadmap for maintaining sobriety.
Relapse Prevention Plan
Step 10 of the 12 steps, suggests continuing to take a personal inventory and doing this when we are wrong.
Promptly admitting it.
People, places, activities, objects and situations are all examples of what type of triggers?
External Triggers
This famous actor began drinking to handle the stress of stardom and intrusive thoughts associated with OCD. He got sober in 2010 and is best known for his presence in Hogwarts.
Daniel Radcliffe
The disapproval of or discrimination against an individual or groups based on perceived characteristics that serve to distinguish them from other members of society.
Symptoms you experience several weeks or months after you have finished detoxing that are related to the body healing from substance use.
PAWS - Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms
Courage isn't having the strength to go on - It is going on
going on when you have no strength
This slogan advises focusing on your own actions rather than conrolling others.
Let Go and Let God