This city in upstate New York is home to a University President PI alumnus from the same school at least 3 PI professionals attended, and to Tamar’s college
This is the total number of years that Nisha has been at AJC
You loved him in the Princess Bride, Yentl and Homeland, but he has recently become a Jewish social media sensation singing and making latkes with his wife.
Mandy Patankin
Enjoy a cuppa, while visiting Buckingham Palace in this city where Nisha got her Masters degree
The 8th prime number
Believe it or not, this iconic line is shouted by Vizzini, the Sicilian trickster played by Wallace Shawn
You can visit the Forbidden City and see the Bird’s Nest Stadium which hosted both the summer and winter Olympics in this city
This faith’s year has a 19 month calendar of 19 day months. You can visit their gardens in Haifa.
Miracle Max uttered this famous line to send off our heroes to save Princess Buttercup
Have fun storming the castle!
When she lived in this country, Nisha thought about beginning a baked goods empire- just be careful, temperatures in this kingdom have reached 127 degrees!
Saudi Arabia
If you live in this largest Canadian city you can legally drink at 19. L’chaim eh?!
In the words of the Impressive Clergyman, what brings us all here today?
This city in Maryland is named for a nearby river
Susan Lucci of All My Children finally won an Emmy Award on her _____ nomination
Complete the quote- My name is _________, you killed my father, _____________!
Inigo Montoya, prepare to die!