what is your second general
To walk my post in a military manner always keeping on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing
I am a________
Navy Junior ROTC cadet
what does A mean
how many bones are in the human body
whats the name of the TV show with the cat and mouse in WB studio
tom and jerry
whats the first general order
to take charge of this post and all government property in view
recite the second (I) in the cadet creed
I strive to promote patriotism and become an informed and responsible citizen
what does E mean
how many days are in a year
whats 5 to the power of 2
whats the fourth general order
repeat all calls from post more distance from the guardhouse then my own
finish this sentence "defend freedom and________"
democracy around the world
what does O mean
what is the most played game this year
fornite and mincraft
blue and red mix make what?
whats the 9th general order
to call the officer of the deck in any case not covered by instruction
finish this sentence "respect those_________-"
in position of authority
spell NJROTC in phonetic alphabet
N-november J-Juliette R-romeo O-oscar T-tengo C-charlie
when is christmas(no cheating)
the 25th
what happens when you mix three primary colors red,blue,green
you get white
whats the 10th general order
to salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased
recite your fourth (I) in the cadet creed
I proudly embrace the navy core values of honor,courage and commitment
how do you spell master chief in phonetic alphabet(yes ever single word ;3 )
M-mike A-alpha S-sierra T-tengo E-echo R-romeo
C-charlie H-hotel I-india E-ego F-foxtrot
what do you put on top of a christmas tree if not a star
top hats, Santa hats, lollipops, gnomes, snowflakes, pom poms – even a rooster!
what does njrotc stand for
Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps