To quit my post only when properly relieved.
5th G.O. of the Sentry
What is the 2nd General Order of the Sentry?
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
3rd G.O of the Sentry
To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.
4th G.O. of the Sentry
To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.
9th General Order of the Sentry
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased.
10th General Order of the Sentry
Navy nomenclature for "ceiling"
What is the 11th General Order?
To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
When was the declaration of independence signed?
July 4th, 1776
how many steps per minute is quicktime march
O1 through O6 in the Navy?
O1: Ensign
O2: Lieut. Jr. Grade
O3: Lieut.
O4: Lieut. Commander
O5: Commander
O6: Captain
What's "Lunch" in NJROTC?
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
8th General Order of the Sentry
The first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, only happens every 4 years in most cases
Voting day
What's an E9-E7 in the Navy?
E9: Master Petty Officer
E8: Senior Petty Officer
E7: Chief Petty Officer
Whats an E1-E3 in the Navy?
E1: Seaman Recruit
E2: Seaman Apprentice
E3: Seaman
What is E4-E6 in the Navy?
E4: Petty Officer 3rd Class
E5: Petty Officer 2nd Class
E6: Petty Officer 1st Class
In the year 1788 this was established in America
The U.S. Constitution
When told "Forward March" which leg to you step on?
Distance from back to front at dress-right-dress
40 inches
What is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" in the phonetic alphabet?
THE: Tango, Hotel, Echo
QUICK: Quebec, Uniform, India, Charlie, Kilo
BROWN: Bravo, Romeo, Oscar, Whiskey, November
FOX: Foxtrot, Oscar, X-Ray
JUMPS: Juliet, Uniform, Mike, Papa, Sierra
OVER: Oscar, Victor, Echo, Romeo
THE: Tango, Hotel, Echo
LAZY: Lima, Alpha, Zulu, Yankee
DOG: Delta, Oscar, Gulf
"C lock straight, ease about!"
The ditty for about face