This person was captain of the football team in highschool
Who is Chris Stewart?
This person is fostering a dog while their owner is in Kenya, Africa
Who is Alicia Martineau
This person is a secret Oprea Singer
Who is Josh Ogaard
This person would rather be with raccoons than humans
Who is Bailey Muller
This person had triplets
Who is Lisa Samec
When this person was born, they only weighed 1 pound
Who is Allison Tucker
This person did make up for a famous band.
Who is Sophia Jansen
This person lived in Germany for a month
This person attended a press conference in the Governor’s office on Rollerblades.
Who is Chelsie Thielen
This person is better known as Mr. Clean
Who is Jeff Biemert
I was one of the first PSEO participants in 1985 under governor Rudy Perpich
Who is Lisa Samec
This person read 107 books last year.
Who is Zach Morris?
This persons parents currently live in Cozumel, Mexico
Who is Kim Christiansen
This person was born in Germany
Who is Jeannie Sjoblom
This person literally takes kids homes from school and keeps them.
Who is Janelle LeVoir?
This person can wiggle their ears
Who is Stacy Biehn
Won a tractor, worth $10,000, off of raffle tickets
Who is Nina McDownell
Worked at a Western Store in College
Who is Mitch Houle
Jack of all trades. Bee keeper, maintains compost bins and two gardens
Who is Nick Jensen