What is the plural imperative of love?
What does laete mean?
Who is Cupid and what are his two types of arrows and what is the uses for the two different types?
Cupid is the god of love and he has gold arrows that makes people pursue love and lead arrows that make people flee love.
What mountain range is on the spine of Italia
The Apennine Mountains
Who founded Rome and in what year? Also, what was the name of his brother whom he killed during a dispute?
Romulus founded Rome in 753 B.C.. He killed is brother, Remus during a dispute.
What is porto in the imperfect third singular?
Adjectives agree in what?
gender, number, and case
What goddess does not have a distinct part in myths?
Greek is Hestia and Roman is Vesta.
To what city did Romans travel to in order to sail to Graecia?
Aeneus was the Trojan warrior who founded the Latin race, and his mother was Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.
What is the infinitive of moneo
What are the first person singular pronouns?
ego, mei, mihi, me, me
Who did Cassiopeia agree to sacrifice and to whom?
Cassiopeia agreed to sacrifice Andromeda and to the sea monster, Cetus.
What is the major body of water that Italia is a peninsula in? Also, what is the nickname for this body of water and what does it mean?
The Mediterrean Sea. Its nickname was Nostum Mare which means Our Sea.
Why couldn't slaves wear a toga? What garment did they wear instead?
Slaves couldn't wear a toga because they were not Roman citizens. Instead, slaves wore a tunica.
What are the main possessive adjectives?
my (meus, -a, -um), our (noster, nostra, nostrum), your (tuus, tua, tuum), and your (vester, vestra, and vestrum)
Who did Arachne challenge to a weaving contest?
Athena in Greek and Minerva in Roman
What city is right across the sea from Graecia?
Who was the paterfamilias and what was his role?
The paterfamilias was the head of the Roman family and the oldest living male. He took care of financial matters, property, and business affairs of family. He was the leader of his family and had complete control over his children and family.
What are the three translation of amo?
I love, I am loving, I do love
What is the difference between your (tuus, tua, tuum) and your (vester, vestra, vestrum)?
your (tuus, tua, tuum) is speaking about or to one person and your (vester, vestra, vestrum) is speaking about or to one or more people.
What god carried a thursus and explain what the thursus looked like?
In Greek, Dionysus carried the thursus and in Roman, Bacchus carried the thursus. The thursus was a staff wrapped in ivy with a pine cone on top.
What island did Roma and Carthago fight over in the Punic Wars?
In the Circus Maximus, what was the carcares, spina, metae? Also, what were the lap markers designed as and what specifically did the mark?
In the Circus Maximus, the carcares were the gates where the horses lined up, the spina was the median strip down the center of the track, and the metae were the turning points at the end of the spina which were usually conical cone shaped. The lap markers were designed as eggs and dolphins and they marked the completion of each of the seven rounds.