Date KD was founded
When was October 23rd, 1897?
What is a teddy bear?
Two opportunities the KDF provides to collegians
What are scholarships, leadership conferences and/or internships at GO'K museum/ortho research?
Name of KD chapter
What is Eta Lambda?
Greek open motto in greek
What is Ta' Kala Diokomen?
Current name and location of school KD was founded in
What is Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia?
Three KD symbols
What are nautilus shells, daggers, and the diamond shape?
Collegiate chapters where each member donates 12 dollars or more towards leadership, philanthropic, and educational initiatives
What is the Golden Circle?
Date was our chapter established
When was May 3rd, 2008?
Greek open motto in English
What is "let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest"?
Names of the four founding sisters of KD
Who are Lenora Ashmore Blackiston, Sara Turner White, Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, and Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendrick?
Kappa Delta colors
What are olive green and pearl white?
What is the KDF
What are the secures funds for the educational, leadership, and charitable purposes of Kappa Delta Sorority
Our chapter's national division
What is 14?
KD's 2 national philanthropies
What are Girl Scouts of America and Prevent Child Abuse America?
Length of membership in Kappa Delta
What is a lifetime?
Kappa Delta jewels
What are emeralds, diamonds, and pearls?
How is the KDF supported
What are member donations?
Any chapter which knowingly allows hazing to occur as part of the new member education program will be subject to this
What is national probation?
Kappa Delta's national philanthropies and initiatives are linked to this
What is confidence?
Name of the national president
Who is Susan Stockton?
Kappa Delta Flower
What is a white rose?
Who is Maggie Waples?
Possible consequence for new member who allows herself to be hazed
What is the deferreral of her initiation?
The two international holidays started by KD and their dates
What are International Women's Friendship Month (September) and International Girl's Day (November 14th)?