Emergency Response
Med Administration
Various Topics

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for falls?

A. Non-mobile newborns

B. Age 65 and older

C. Patients that use an assistive device (cane, walker, etc.)

D. Patients taking narcotics

A. Non-mobile newborns


Which of the following is NOT CORRECT regarding weight and height policies within NMG?

A. Height should be recorded with every visit for every patient

B. Weight should be recorded with every visit for every patient

C. Height should be recorded with every well child check (WCC) for pediatrics and once a year for adults

D. When using the baby scale, we should weigh the baby naked, not with a dry diaper

A. Height should be recorded with every visit for every patient

(see answer C for correct response)


What is the only drug within NMG that is allowed to be given without a provider present?

A. Aspirin

B. Epinephrine

C. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

D. Narcan

D. Narcan


Which of the following IS NOT one of the 7 rights of medication administration for NMG?

A. Right Route

B. Right Documentation

C. Right Time

D. Allergies

B. Right Documentation


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding phlebotomy?

A. Tourniquet cannot be left on for more than 1 min

B. You should anchor above and below the needle insertion site

C. You should label specimens in the presence of the patient

D. Needle should be inserted bevel up

B. You should anchor above and below the needle insertion site


Which of the following is true regarding needle stick prevention?

A. You should always recap your needle after administering medications and before placing in sharps container.

B. You should replace the sharps container when it's completely full

C. Non safety needles should be used when prepping medications, but not when administering them to patients

D. You should always use the table top method when closing the safety shield over the needle, never your thumb/finger.

D. You should always use the table top method when closing the safety shield over the needle, never your thumb/finger.


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding pediatric patients?

A. We should start obtaining BP when the child is 3 and older

B. We need to obtain head circumferences up to 18mo

C. Respirations are required for sick visits

D. O2 sats should be obtained for sick visits if indicated by presenting symptoms

B. We need to obtain head circumferences up to 18mo

Recommendation now is to obtain through 2 years


What vital sign must be monitored in a patient receiving Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) for the treatment of chest pain?

A. Pulse


C. Respiratory Rate

D. O2 saturation



How long does a staff member have to give a live vaccine once it's prepared?

A. 1 hr

B. 15min

C. 30min

D. 12 hrs

B. 15min


Which of the following is NOT an appropriate site for venipuncture?

A. Forearm

B. Inner aspect of the wrist

C. Back of the hand

D. Antecubital area

B. Inner aspect of the wrist


Which of the following would require AIRBORNE precautions?


B. Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)

C. Varicella (Chicken Pox)

D. Influenza (Flu)

C. Varicella (Chicken Pox)


Which of the following is not considered a core temperature, and therefore may not be as accurate (select all that apply)?

A. Rectal

B. Axillary

C. Oral

D. Temporal

B. Axillary

D. Temporal

**These are considered "surface" temps and therefore are not considered as reliable as core temperatures where we enter a body cavity


Which of the following is not located within the emergency box?

A. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

B. Epinephrine

C. Midazolam (Versed)

D. Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat)

C. Midazolam (Versed)

*this will located in a separate double lock box for most practices (except Novak) since its a controlled substance so will not be stored within the traditional emergency box


Which of the following regarding IM injections is INCORRECT?

A. We should use  the ventrogluteal site for adults receiving antibiotics

B. DepoMEDROL can be given in the deltoid

C. The deltoid is the preferred site for routine IM vaccines in adults and children over the age of 3

D. The vastus lateralis is the preferred site for children under the age of 3 that require IM injections

B. DepoMEDROL can be given in the deltoid

***DepoPROVERA can be given in deltoid. DepoMEDROL is a steroid and cannot be given there


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding ECG's?

A. Patient should be sitting upright with feet flat on the floor

B. Offer a chaperone

C. Gently clean skin with alcohol to remove oils before placing electrodes

D. If anything looks abnormal or suspicious with the results, notify provider immediately

A. Patient should be sitting upright with feet flat on the floor


Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 moments of hand hygiene?

A. Before touching a patient

B. After touching patient surroundings

C. After body fluid exposure

D. Before touching patient surroundings

D. Before touching patient surroundings


Which of the following may result in a low BP reading?

A. A BP Cuff that is too small

B. Obtaining BP when the patient has a full bladder

C. A BP cuff that is too large

D. A patient who is talking while the staff obtains the BP

C. A BP cuff that is too large


A patient comes in with slurred speech, confusion, they are pale, sweaty, and have a history of diabetes. Which products can be given to correct this issue? (Select all that apply).

A. Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat)

B. Aspirin

C. Glucagon

D. Insta glucose Gel

C. Glucagon

D. Insta-Glucose Gel


Which of the following is not a medication that could be placed in the deltoid muscle for an adult?

A. B12

B. Tdap

C. Bicillin

D. DepoProvera

C. Bicillin


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding nasopharygeal specimen collection?

A. For COVID, swab in both nares for 5 seconds, rotating the swab a full 360 degrees

B. Tilt the patient's head back 70 degrees

C. Be sure to get as much mucous from the nostril on the swab as possible

D. Be sure the patient's head is supported

C. Be sure to get as much mucous from the nostril on the swab as possible


What is the proper order for DOFFING PPE?

A. Gown, Mask/Respirator, Goggles/Face Shield, Gloves

B. Gloves, Goggles/Face Shield, Gown, Mask/Respirator

C. Mask/Respirator, Gloves, Gown, Goggles/Face Shield

D. Goggles/Face Shield, Gown, Gloves, Mask/Respirator

B. Gloves, Goggles/Face Shield, Gown, Mask/Respirator

*Remember you can remove in alphabetical order!


What is a normal respiratory rate range for infants?

A. 12-20

B. 25-50

C. 15-30

D. 5-10

B. 25-50


Which of the following is NOT required to be in or near the emergency cart?

A. Oxygen tank


C. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

D. Sterile Saline Vials

D. Sterile Saline Vials


Which of the following medications does not have a mandatory wait time associated with it?

A. Penicillin

B. Gardasil

C. Tdap

D. Allergy Injections

A. Penicillin

**no minimum required wait time. At the discretion oft the provider if there is a concern for anaphylaxis


What is the maximum timeframe for test tracking results?

A. 24hrs

B. 48hrs

C. 72hrs

D. 1 week (7 days)

B. 48hrs