Defend the Nation
Civic Duty
School Attendance
It's the Law

What is significant about November 5th, 2024?

U.S. Presidential Elections


True or False - All U.S. males must register when they turn 18 in a database called Selective Service that tracks eligible candidates to be called up in case of national crisis.



Typical juries consist of _____ citizens.

12 Citizens


Is a child required to attend kindergarten in Texas?

No, they are NOT required.


There are both Federal and State (depending on the state) income taxes, does Texas have State Income Tax?

No, Texas does not have a Individual Income Tax 


Citizens in the U.S. elect a President once every ____ years.

Every 4 / four years.


True or False - Girls are not required to register for Selective Service.



True or False: Once you turn 18 you must go register for "Jury Duty"

False - Unlike voting and Selective Service your county obtains your information from drivers license, when you pay state local tax, when you registered to vote.


What ages (from what age _____ to what age____) are children required to attend school in Texas.

According to Texas Education Association (TEA). Children who are at least 6 and under age 19. *There are several exceptions. 


Name at least 2 things that taxes pays for?

Education, Public Safety, National Defense, Social Services, Healthcare, Infrastructure, etc.


What is the minimum age requirement to vote in the U.S.

21, 18, 25, or 16


The 26th Amendment (Section 1) states: “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older are eligible to vote.


True or False: Failing to follow the Selective Service Law is a Felony.

True - It is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250K, a prison term of up to five years, or combination of both.


Is Jury Duty mandatory in Texas?

YES - If you are summoned for jury duty, you must appear in court unless you have a reasonable excuse. If you fail to appear without a reasonable excuse, you may be fined between $100 - $500. You may also be ordered to perform community service or imprisoned for up to three days 


True or False: A parent can face legal consequences if their child does not go to school in Texas.

True - Criminal charges may be brought against the parent.


True or False: You do not have to file an income tax return if you earned $14,600 or less.

True - The standard deduction in 2024 increased to $14,600 - therefore you do not need to file.


Who are the two individuals who are running for President in 2024? Must name BOTH candidates!

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

True or  False: Mexico require all of their males citizens to serve in the military.

Mexico requires all males between the ages of 18 and 40 to serve a minimum of one year in the military.


Does the government pay you money if you are selected to be on Jury Duty?

Dallas County Jurors will be reimbursed $20.00 for the first day of jury service; $58.00 for each subsequent day of jury service. 


In Texas, In order for a student to earn credit, they must attend class at least __% of the days class the class is offered.

At least 90% of the days offered.


You can be fined up to $____ if you are caught littering in Texas, by law enforcement 

Fined up to $2,000


How many Electoral Votes does a nominee need to get in order to win the presidential election?


There are a total of 538 Delegates in the Electoral College.  A nominee needs 270 or more to win.


The U.S. has not drafted service members since the ___________ War ended in 1975.

Since the Vietnam War ended in 1975.


What is Jury Duty?

A jury is a group of adult citizens who listen to the evidence in a court case and decide which is in the right. Before you are selected to serve, you will go through a screening process.


What are the 5 EOC STAAR Exams required for graduation from high school in MISD?

English 1, English 2, Algebra 1, Biology, and US History


People pay taxes based on the amount of income earned. What percent do individuals in the highest income bracket pay? Those who earn $609K per year.

Single filers, who earn $609,351 is taxed at 37% (before deductions). That equals $225K in taxes!