With "______" the sender knows when someone is available to respond immediately.
Instant messaging
You should use a _____ sequence for good and neutral-news messages.
Bad-news messages should be organized in a way that emphasizes the _________.
Persuasion is...
The ability of sender to influence others to accept his or her point of view.
What are two tips for writing web content?
Be brief.
Keep it simple.
Consider appropriate jargon.
Use eye-catching headlines.
Break longer documents into smaller chunks.
Use attention-getting devices judiciously.
Avoid placing critical information in graphic only.
A neutral news message is a message that....
Interests the reader but is not likely to generate an emotional reaction
A counterproposal is...
An alternative to the action requested that follows the negative news
What is a solicited message? Unsolicited message?
Solicited: message requested by a potential buyer
Unsolicited: message sent to someone who has not requested.
Define the following: weblog, wiki, social networking site.
Weblog: online journal authored by an individual
Wiki: collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many
Social networking site: communities of people who share common interest or activities
An adjustment message is...
A fair response by a business to legitimate requests in claim messages by customers
The three types of crisis
Victim, accident, and preventable
AIDA stands for...
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
The three things to consider before sending an electronic message
What are: the purpose of the message, the confidentiality of the message, the human relations that may be sacrificed?
The four guidelines to extending credit...
1. Open by extending credit
2. Indicate the basis for the decision and explain credit terms.
3. Present credit policies
4. Communicate a genuine desire to build a strong business relationship.
The recommended outline for a bad-news message
What is: introduction, explanation/reasons, bad-news statement, counterproposal/silver lining, closing paragraph
Central selling point is...
What is a primary appeal on which a persuasive message focuses.
Before using social media, employees and companies should consider...
Honest and ethical communication
Protection of company's property and employee privacy
Protection of reputation
Four things that should be included in a thank you message...
- written deductively
- reflects sincere feelings of gratitude
- identifies the circumstances for which the writer is grateful
- provides reasons for the which the action is appreciated
The three goals of the closing paragraph of a bad-news message...
1. De-emphasize the unpleasant part of the message
2. Add a unifying quality to the message
3. Include a positive, forward-looking idea
Four requirements to write a persuasive message effectively...
1. Understand the product, service, or idea
2. Know the audience
3. Anticipate the arguments that might come from the audience
4. Have a rational and logical response to the arguments