Your School Counselors
Seeing a Counselor
Roles of the School Counselor
Mix it Up!

Your School Counselors' names 

Who are: Mr. Bennett and Mrs. van der Sommen?


Confidentiality is ______________

What is: Not sharing what is said with others?


True or False: A School Counselor can help you with your academics/grades

What is: True

If you are not achieving the grades you want a school counselor can help you figure out why and give advice on how to improve


You had a problem with your teacher and you felt frustrated. If you tell one of your School Counselors, they will... A) Tell your teacher B) Tell an adult at home C) Keep it confidential & help you figure out what to do

What is: Keep it confidential & help you figure out what to do


The principal of the Middle School is _________

Who is: Mr. Devine?


Your School Counselors' offices are located?

What is: In the main office?


Times a counselor will need to talk to another adult about what is shared during counseling

What is: If you are going to hurt yourself, if you are in danger or if someone is hurting you? 


True or False: The School Counselors roles are to work with all students

What is: True

School Counselors provide a program to help all students be their best. 


If I plan to do something unsafe and tell one of my School Counselors, they will... A) Keep it a secret B) Tell certain adults who will work together to keep me safe C) Tell everyone at school

What is: B-Tell certain adults who will work together to keep me safe


The School Social Worker is ______________

Who is: Mrs. Button?


The School Counselor that used to coach the Girls Varsity Basketball Team

Who is: Mr. Bennett?


The ways I can let a counselor know I need to talk

What is: Filling out a slip in the office, emailing them or letting them know if seeing them out in the school?


Different ways that School Counselors meet the needs of all students

What is: Through classroom lessons, individual counseling and group counseling


Your friends are acting different and telling secrets. You feel like you don't have any friends anymore. What can you do? A) Talk to your teacher B) Talk to another adult you trust C) Talk to your School Counselors or School Social Worker D) All of the above

What is: D-All of the above


Norwich City Schools Superintendent is________ 

Who is: Mr. Ryan


The  School Counselor who bowls on a Wednesday night bowling league

Who is: Mrs. van der Sommen?


True or False: The school counselor will see me right away after I fill out a request to talk

What is: False? 

The school counselor will see you if it is a true emergency. If it can wait the school counselor sees students in the order of notes received. That sometimes means waiting until the next day. 


True or False: My School Counselor can help me with my schedule

What is: True? 

If you have a last name starting with A-M you will find Mr. Bennett's name on your schedule. If you have a last name starting with N-Z you will see Mrs. van der Sommen on your schedule. If you have needs or questions about your schedule you can contact the counselor listed. 


A kid in your classroom will not stop teasing you and making fun of you. You feel upset and stop liking school. What can you do? A) Talk to your teacher B) Talk with your School Counselors or School Social Worker C) Talk to your parent D) Start teasing the kid back  E)  A, B, or C

What  is: A, B & C-Tell someone who can help! 


The Norwich Schools Mascot is______________

What is: A purple tornado 


The counselor who scored 100 on their math regents

Who is: Mr. Bennett?


Things a School Counselor can help you with

What are: Friendships, schoolwork, decision making, stress, managing feelings, conflict resolution and family, exploring interests and career ideas


True or False: Some problems are too big for a School Counselor to help with

What is: False?

No problem is too big or small. If a school counselor is not sure about something you shared they will let you know and will figure out with you the best way to get help.


A friend tells you he/she is being bullied by someone at home or at school and they are thinking about hurting themselves. You should: A) Keep it a secret B) Tell a teacher C) Tell a trusted adult D) Tell a School Counselor or Social Worker E) B, C or D

What is: B, C, or D-Tell an adult that can help!


The names of the kind ladies that help you in the office are_________________

(Our Administrative Assistant and Secretary)

Who are: Mrs. Baird and Mrs. Longo