What is the biggest continent in the world ?
What is the date of the end of the World War Two
Gustave Eiffel
What is the constructor of Eiffel Tower ?
Pacific Ocean
What is the biggest Ocean ?
What is the Date of French Revolution ?
L’Iliade and l’odyssée
What is the Most Famous book of Homere
What is the capital of Japan ?
11 november 2001
What is the date of Twin Tower Attack ?
What is is the Most practiced religion in the world
Nil river
What is is the biggest River in the World ?
-44 before JC
The Death of Jules César
What is the biggest country in the World ?
The Flag Is Blue, Yellow and Red
What is the color of the Flag of Roumanie ?
September 2022
The best of Queen, Elizabeth 2
What is the 35e president of United State
John Kennedy