Who was generally liked by colonists at first, but due to constantly changing his mind and strict rule, became hated by the colonists?
King George III
Who created the Sugar Act?
George Grenville
What reason did the British have for creating the Proclamation of 1763?
Helped to keep the peace between Native Americans and settlers.
What happened during the French and Indian War that enabled George Washington to gain respect and experience as a military general?
General Bulldog Braddock was killed
The sugar act...
increased the tax on refined sugar
The Townshend Act imposed taxes on...
imported goods, such as glass, tea, led, paint, and paper.
Who broke the law by purchasing land west of the Appalachian Mountains?
George Washington
What was created as a result of sending over thousands of homeless troops to enforce the Proclamation of 1763?
Quartering Act
What previous Act did George Grenville demand be followed in 1766? (previous neglected)
Navigation Acts
Who created the Townshend Act and why?
Charles Townshend; bullied/peer pressured OR pettiness
The Proclamation of 1763 did what?
Proclamation of 1763, prohibited colonists from living west of the Appalachian Mountains, on Native American land.
What was passed during the 1760s that enabled customs officials to search homes/businesses without probable cause?
The Writs of Assistance.
How did the Sugar Act affect court trials for colonists?
took away fair trials; guilty until proven innocent
Who was chosen to impose the Stamp Act in Boston and resigned the following day?
Andrew Oliver
What are the dummies/mannequins called that were hanged from Liberty Trees?
140 million pounds; ~$100 Billion
What is the name of the symbolic figure depicted in the political cartoon about the Sugar Act? (he isn't a real dude)
John Bull
After the Stamp Act was repealed, what was Parliament's next move that affirmed power and control over the colonies?
Declaratory Act
When violence escalated to the Boston Massacre, who was the first casualty of the American Revolution?
Crispus Attucks