The meaning of the root, "logy"?
What is study?
The meaning of the root, "mono".
What is one?
The meaning of the root, "oct".
What is eight?
The meaning of the root, "bi".
What is two?
The meaning of the root, "dec".
What is ten?
The meaning of the root, "micro"?
What is small?
The meaning of the root, "graph"?
What is write?
The meaning of the root, "photo".
What is light?
The meaning of the roots, "quadr/quar".
What is four?
The meaning of the roots, "quint/pent".
What is five?
The meaning of the root, "tri"?
What is three?
The meaning of the root, "phon".
What is sound?
The meaning of the root, "derm".
What is skin?
The meaning of the root, "audi".
What is sound?
The meaning of the root, "luc/lum".
What is light?
The meaning of the root, "geo"?
What is earth?
The meaning of the root, "uni".
What is one?
The meaning of the root, "cent".
What is hundred?
The meaning of the root, "meter".
What is measure?
The meaning of the root, "therm".
What is heat?
The meaning of the root, "hyper"?
What is above or beyond?
The meaning of the root, "mega".
What is great (large)?
The meaning of the root, "super".
What is over or above?
The meaning of the root, "tele".
What is distant (far)?
The meaning of the root, "terra."
What is earth?