Noah / Noach
Noah / Noach (continued)
The Animals

What is the Name of this weeks Parsha?



Noah sent out a raven to find land. The raven came back with a worm in his mouth. True or False.

False. The Raven did not come back since everything was still under water.


Which animals did G-D tell Noah to bring on the ark with him?

Every type of animal that existed in the world!


What did G-D tell Noah to build?

An Ark


What did the Dove come back to the ark with after Noah sent it out to find land?

An olive branch


Name a Kosher Animal (hint: there are many answers to this question).

Cows, chickens, giraffe, 


How long did it rain?

40 days and 40 nights


What did the olive branch that the dove brought back to the ark show to Noah and his family?

That the water has receded, went down.


Name a non-kosher animal (hint: there are many answers to this question).

frogs, lizards, emus, pigs, 


Why did G-D tell Noah to build an Ark?

Because the people were bad / treating each other badly, stealing, lying, cheating. He wanted to get Noah, a good and righteous guy, out of the bad place.


What was the sign that G-D put in the sky to show the people that the world would never be destroyed?

A rainbow


How many pairs of Kosher animals did Noah bring onto the ark:  Bonus, how many non-kosher animals did Noah bring onto the ark?

Seven pairs of Kosher animals and two (one pair) of non-kosher animals