Genesis 6:8
"Noah found grace in the sight of God"
What is the meaning of Ham
Noah was a picture or shadow of ____________ ?
Genesis 6:9
"Noah walked with God"
What does the word Japeth mean?
beauty or let him enlarge
In which book of the bible can you find this passage? "Noah was warned by God about things that he could not yet see. But he had faith and respect for God, so he built a large boat to save his family."
How old was Noah when Shem was born?
500 years
What does the name Shem mean?
In which book of the Bible did Jesus mention Noah?
One of the covenant that God gave noah was: God would not ________ the ground anymore.
Why did God send the flood to destroy every living thing?
It was all corrupt and violent and sinful.
2 Peter 2:5
God saved Noah and seven others
How many people were in the Ark?