Who was asked to build the ark?
How many animals went into the ark?
2 of every kind, male and female.
How many days and nights did it rain?
40 days and 40 nights
Which book talks about Noah's Ark?
How long was the ark to be?
450 feet long.
How many sons did Noah have?
What animal did Noah send out to see if the flood was stopping?
A dove.
How long did the ark float?
150 days, or 5 months
Which book is Genesis in the bible?
1st book of the bible.
How many decks did the ark have?
What was the names of Noah's three sons?
Shem, Ham and Japheth
How many times did the dove return to the ark?
Why did God send the flood?
Because the Lord saw how wicked the people were.
What was the name of the tower Noah's descendants built after the flood?
Tower of Babel
What kind of wood was the ark made out of?
Gopher Wood
How many people were on the Ark?
What did the dove have in its mouth when it returned the second time?
An olive branch.
What did God send as a sign that He would never send a flood again?
A rainbow
Who wrote the book of Genesis?
What was put on top of the ark?
A roof.
Why was Noah saved from the flood?
He was a righteous man.
Why did God save the animals too?
Because they were part of His promise
Who shut the door of the ark before the flood?
What is a covenant?
A promise
How old was Noah when he built the ark?
600 years old