What did God tell Noah to do?
God told Noah to build an ark because a big flood was coming.
Why did Noah follow God’s instructions?
Noah obeyed God because he trusted Him and wanted to do what was right.
Does God always keep His promises?
What did the flood do?
The flood covered the earth and washed away all the bad things.
What can we learn from Noah?
We can learn to trust and obey God, just like Noah did.
Did Noah listen to God's commands?
Yes, Noah listened and built the ark just like God said.
What was hard about Noah obeying God?
It was hard because building the ark took a long time, and people made fun of him.
What did God promise Noah after the flood?
God promised He would never flood the earth again.
Who was safe during the flood?
Noah, his family, and the animals on the ark were safe.
Why should we obey God like Noah?
Because God loves us and has a good plan for us.
Why did Noah build the ark?
Noah built the ark because God told him to.
What does it mean to obey God?
Obeying God means listening to what He says and doing it, even if it’s hard.
What does the rainbow mean?
God made a rainbow to remind Noah of His promise.
How long did it rain during the flood?
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights OR a month and a week.
How did Noah’s faith affect his family?
His family was saved because of Noah’s obedience and faithfulness to God.
How did Noah know what to do?
God gave Noah special instructions about how to build the ark.
Why is it important to obey God?
Obeying God helps us every day in our lives to live well and stay close to Him.
Why is God’s promise important?
It reminds us that God loves us and keeps His word.
How did God create the flood?
He sent rain and unleashed the springs.
What does Noah’s story teach us about listening to God?
It teaches us that listening to God and obeying Him is very important.
What did Noah do that shows he trusted God?
Noah built the ark, even though it had never rained before.
What specific material did God tell Noah to use to build the ark?
Gopher wood OR sticky wood.
How did Noah respond to God's covenant?
He built an altar and worshiped God.
What did the flood show about God?
The flood showed that God punishes the wicked but also saves those who trust and love Him.
How can we be like Noah?
By obeying God, trusting Him, and doing what He asks us to do.