Last American League Triple Crown Winner? (Baseball)
Miguel Cabrera (Baseball)
Why was the students report card wet?
It was below C level!
The father of History?
What does debemos mean in Spanish?
Should we!
What is the best award for a college football player called?
The Heisman
What did the grape do when it got an injection?
It let out a little wine!
The Chinese ruler who built the Great Wall of China?
Qin Shi Huang
What does Los Duendes mean in Spanish?
The Trolls!
What NFL team has the logo on their helmets that mean the flower of life?
The Saints
Why did the can-crusher quit her job?
She was soda-pressing!
A religious leader and philosopher who lived in China about 500 B.C?
What does Debemos comer los platanos para mantener la salud?
Should we eat bananas to maintain our health?
What player has the most career home runs?
Barry Bonds
Why are frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them!
The most famous Greek poet?
What does should we drink a lot of sodas to maintain our health in Spanish?
Debemos beber muchos refrescos para mantener la salud?
Who was the women's NCAA champion in 2014? (Double Jeopardy)
UCONN (Double Jeopardy)
What's the longest word in the dictionary?
Smiles! (It has a mile between the ss!)
The most important Epics of the Greeks? (Double Jeopardy)
The Iliad and the Odyssey (Double Jeopardy)
What does Debemos comer la mantequilla para mantener la salud?
Should we eat butter to maintain our health?