The two individuals who started the Shriners.
Who were Nobles William Florence and Walter Fleming in 1870
What are Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.
The number of Hospitals or Medical Centers in the Shrine Medical System.
What is 22.
Name the original Shrine Temple.
What is Mecca in New York City.
The three jewels that represent the principal officers of a lodge
What the Square, Level, and Plumb
The city the first Shine Hospital was located in.
What is Shreveport, LA in 1922
The year of the first Shrine Circus
What was 1906 in Detroit.
The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences
What are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy.
The four specialties treated by the Shrine Medical System.
What are Pediatric Burns, Spinal Injuries, Cleft Palette, and Orthopedics.
The number of years it takes to move from Imperial Outer Guard to Imperial Potentate or the current Imperial Sir's IQ.
What is eleven (11)
Name of The most worshipful master in California
What is Most Worshipful Jeffery Michael Wilkins
The original amount of the Per Capita assessment to establish the Medical System.
What was $2.00 in 1921 (Currently $5.00)
The number of Shrine Temples currently in existence.
What is 196 (in US, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Europe, and Australia).
The old English word mote mean
The song that swayed the Imperial Session to authorize the Medical System.
What is "Forever Blowing Bubbles"