
When does attachment between a mother and her baby begin?

Attachment begins before birth and develops over time.


What are some ways you can help your child be active?

  • Make time everyday for active play

  • Be active with your child

  • Limit screen time


Your baby may not be able to move his/her head away from things that may suffocate them, what things do you need to make sure of at this stage?

  • Always put your baby on its back to sleep

  • Create a safe sleep environment- no pillows, comforters, stuffed toys, or sleep positioners.


As her body grows, your child needs…?

  • Healthy foods

  • Rest

  • Exercise

  • Lots of play time in a safe environment


What does a healthy relationship look like between someone and their partner?

  • Partners are equal

  • Valuing themselves and each other

  • Listen to each other

  • Make time for their relationship

  • When a problem arises, they talk it out with each other


What is empathy?

Empathy means being able to understand what other people are feeling. For example, a young child can see that other people have feelings. Children learn how other people feel by talking about feelings


What are the pros of breastfeeding your baby?

  • Is easy to digest

  • Is the easiest food for your baby's body to use

  • Protects your baby from disease and infection

  • Is free, produces no waste, and is always ready when you need it.


How old does your child have to be for a forward facing car seat?

2 years of age.


Why is playing with your child important?

  • Playing is a way your child can learn new skills

  • Playing helps your child get along with others

  • Playing gives your child a way to show their feelings


As a parent, Instead of keeping your feelings to yourself what should you do?

  • Find someone to talk to- a good listener like your partner,relative, or friend can help you work things out. Sharing your worries can help reduce stress


Handling your child's bevaviour can be easier if you think about it as a problem to be solved. What are the four steps to solving a problem with your child?

1.What is happening here?

2.Why is it happening?

3. What can you do?

4.What if it does not work?


How old should your baby be when you begin to offer them solid foods?

6 months of age.


How do you know if your child is ready for a booster seat?

The child must weigh a minimum of 80 pounds and at least 4 feet tall.


To feel safe, secure, loved, and understood, your 6-12 month old baby needs?...

  • Love

  • Food

  • Warmth, shelter, cleanliness 

  • Familiar people

  • To be played with


What is the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

  • Baby blues should subside after a few weeks while PPD can last up to a year or longer.


If your child is biting, what may be the reason for this behaviour?

A child may bite because he/she is angry, upset, or frustrated. The child may bite to get attention or is teething.


How old should your child be to get immunized?

2 months of age.


What are the three C’s in any emergency?

- check

- call

- care


What are some things to do with your 2-3 year old toddler?

  • Sing songs

  • Reading books to him/her

  • Arts and crafts

  • Playing outside


If you need a teenager to watch your child once in a while, what steps should you take to find one? What would you do?

  • Ask friends, family, or nieghbours for the names of their babysitters

  • Check with community groups and centres, and early childhood education associations.


“My child wakes up screaming from nightmares” what are a few factors causing the nightmares?

  • Scary books or movies

  • Eating or a lot of activity before bed

  • The medication your child is taking

  • Not feeling well or having a fever


What should you do if you think your child might be getting sick?

  • Encourage rest

  • Take the child's temperature

  • If their skin feels hot, do not put on extra blankets

  • Encourage your child to drink extra fluids


If your child is injured and won't respond, check for the ABC’s. What does ABC stand for?

  • Airway

  • Breathing

  • Circulation


How can you help your child get along with others?

  • Give your child many chances to play with other children

  • Show her how to take turns and share

  • Help out when children get angry with each other


Taking care of yourself helps you handle life's challenges. It helps you be a better parents and helps you feel your best. To do so, all parents need to….

  • Eat well

  • Be active

  • Get enough rest

  • Talk to and be with other adults

  • Be alone for just a few minutes a day.