Civil Rights Leaders
Environmental Activists
Women's Rights Advocates
Modern Day Heroes

This civil rights leader is famous for his "I Have a Dream" speech. (Hint: He has a national holiday named after him.)

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


This American patriot made a midnight ride to warn colonists of British troops.

Who is Paul Revere?


This Swedish teenager became famous for her climate activism and speeches at international forums.

Who is Greta Thunberg?


She led the campaign for women's right to vote in the United States and appeared on the dollar coin.

Who is Susan B. Anthony?


This former NFL player became an activist after kneeling during the national anthem to protest racial injustice.

Who is Colin Kaepernick?


She refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. (Hint: Her action led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott.)

Who is Rosa Parks?


He led the Continental Army to victory during the American Revolution and became the first U.S. President

Who is George Washington?


This former U.S. Vice President won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to combat climate change.

Who is Al Gore?


This Pakistani activist survived an assassination attempt for advocating girls' education.

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


This South African leader and Nobel laureate fought against apartheid and became the country's first Black president.

Who is Nelson Mandela?


He was the first African American to attend the University of Mississippi.

Who is James Meredith?


This South American leader fought for independence from Spanish rule and is known as "The Liberator."

Who is Simón Bolívar?


This British primatologist is known for her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees and her advocacy for animal conservation.

Answer: Who is Jane Goodall?


She was a key figure in the Seneca Falls Convention and co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments.

Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?


This contemporary activist started the #MeToo movement to fight against sexual harassment and assault.

Who is Tarana Burke?


This civil rights leader founded the United Farm Workers and fought for the rights of farm workers.(Hint: His name sounds like a salad.)

Who is Cesar Chavez?


This French military leader rose to power during the French Revolution and became Emperor of France.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This Kenyan environmental activist founded the Green Belt Movement.

Who is Wangari Maathai?


This British suffragette led the women's suffrage movement in the UK.

Who is Emmeline Pankhurst?


This young Pakistani girl survived a Taliban attack and became an advocate for girls' education.

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


She was a key organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and a leader in the fight for women's rights.

Who is Dorothy Height?


He helped lead India to independence from British rule through nonviolent protest.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


This American biologist wrote "Silent Spring," which helped start the environmental movement.

Who is Rachel Carson?


She founded the National Organization for Women (NOW) and wrote "The Feminine Mystique."

Who is Betty Friedan?


This American attorney and politician was the first African American woman elected to the United States Senate.

Who is Kamala Harris?