Language of Origin
Place Value
Letter Meaning

After this week, there will be no school!

<know> or <no>

Which one is the function word?

No is the function word. Function words take the smallest spelling possible.


Do you like my <razor> scooter?  

What letters in <razor> tell you this word is Latin?

<or> is a latin suffix whereas <er> is the Germanic form.


Every summer my family goes camping.

Why is <goes> not spelled <goze>?

Because the base is <go> and -ze is NOT a suffix AND -es carries the correct sense and meaning in <goes>.

wash + es-->washes

go + es --> goes


This summer you want to do a lemonade stand.

Do you sell lemonade or cell lemonade?

Bonus 100: Which spelling of /s/ is default?

its cell jk sell

Bonus: sell


I LOVE summer time!!!!

What letter in the spelling of <love> is driven by place value?

The replaceable <e> is driven by place value.  It must be there because <v> does not end a complete English word.


I would like to eat twelve strawberries twice a day until I am twenty!

What letter meaning does <tw> have?

<tw> denotes two!


I am going to miss some of my friends from school this summer.

Is <miss>a function or a content word?

<miss> is a content word.  It can be drawn or defined.  It also has a content word (lexical) spelling because the <s> is doubled.


why does the word <bicycle> have a <y> in the middle?

The vowel <y> in the middle of <cycle> is a sign of Greek origin.



My parents *said I could have a sleep-over.

In the word <said> the <ai> has a relationship to <ay>.  What word with an <ay> is closely related to <said>?



It's almost summer.......

<brake> or <break>?

Bonus 100: which uses a default spelling?


Bonus 100: brake is the default spelling


This summer, I hope to catch some waves!

What about the spelling of <catch> is constrained by place value?

tch typically follows a single letter lax vowel and is final to a base.


When we're hiking, we use dryer sheets to keep the gnats away!

What letter meaning does the <gn> in gnat have?

<gn> denotes "chewing or biting"


The last one out the school doors is a rotten egg!

Why does egg have two <g>'s?

Egg is a content word and content words must have at least 3 letters. An additional <g> is added to give egg three letters.  


What grapheme(s) are driven by a Greek word origin in the following word:

school :)

The <ch> spelling /k/ in <school> is a sign of a Greek origin.


My dog *says hi by barking.

Why isn't <says> spelled *sez?

Bonus 100: what is the word sum for <says>?

<says> has the base<say> but has a reduced vowel pronunciation because it is reporting function.  Spelling is MEANING FIRST!

Bonus: say + s 


I am going to make s'mores by the campfire!  Would you like ___?

<sum> or <some>

Bonus 100: Which homophone uses a default spelling?


Bonus: <sum> is the default spelling


At camp this summer, I get to stay in a lodge.

What constraint on place value does a <dg(e)> have?

dg(e) can only follow a single-letter lax vowel.

It is also typically final to a base.


Dad says I can't wrestle my brother in my nice clothes because they could get wrinkled.

What letter meaning does the <wr> in wrestle and wrinkle have?

< wr > has a sense of twisting.


I have my eye on a new bike!

<I> or <eye>

Which is the function word?

<I> is the function word.  Function words take the smallest spelling possible.


"We can have a sleepover and stay up all night!"

What language of origin is driving the spelling in of the word <night>.

<igh> is a marker of Old English origin.


My parents said we <might> go on a special trip!

The <igh> in might marks its relationship to <ay>.  What word with an <ay> spelling is related to <might>?

may! As in, we may go on a special trip.


You ask you parents for a new bed.

How do you ask:

<would> you please get me new bed? or <wood> you please get me new bed?



At camp when the mosquitos start swarming, you tell them to "buzz off"!

What do the words <buzz> and <off> have in common when it comes to place value?

The letters f, l, s, and z are all doubled at the end after a single-letter lax vowel in a content word.


I make whipped cream by whipping heavy cream in a bowl.

What letter meaning does <wh> carry?

< wh > denotes "blowing, a blow, a brisk movement"


I have a lot of exciting plans for the summer!

What marks the spelling of <have> as a content word.

The <e> in <have> is needed because no complete English word ends in <v>.  Only content words use replaceable <e>'s.  


In 1887 the word <pennyfarther> was coined for a bike with a big front wheel and small back wheel.  

What is the reason for the <y> in the middle of the word <pennyfarther>?

its an old English compound-word

 penny + farther ==> pennyfarther

compound-words don't follow suffix addition patterns


I bet that by the end of the summer my height will change.

In the word <height> the <igh> is producing the sound [aI] and the <e> is an etymological marker.

What word does the <e> mark its relationship to?

weight!  In the word <weight> the <igh> is the marker and the <e> is producing the sound [eI].


It's time for ice cream and you get to pick your flavor!

<Which> one would you like? or <Witch> one would you like?



How does the constraint of place value determine whether to use a: c, k, or ck in the following word?


<k> must be used at the start because the next letter is an <i>.

<ck> marks a single lax vowel.


That knight just knocked my knee with the knot in his rope!

What letter meaning does the <kn> have?

<kn> denotes a protuberance or can be imitative of a sound (ie.knock).