Chinese Art
Japanese Art
Indian Art
American Art
African Art
This medium is commonly used in Chinese art. It gives pottery a glossy finish and allows for pot painters to create innovative designs.
What is porcelain?
The religion that had the most profound impact on Japanese art was this.
What is Buddhism?
These are the 3 major religions that influenced Indian art.
What are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam?
This civilization was known for making giant head sculptures in Ancient America.
Who are the Olmecs?
This is the most common form of African tribal art.
What are masks?
This Emperor commissioned a terra-cotta army to be built in his tomb.
Who is Qin Shi Huangdi?
This artist created the famous work titled "The Great Wave" in the nineteenth century.
Who is Hokusai?
The Taj Mahal is an example of Islamic architecture built under this mughal emperor.
Who is Shah Jahan?
The temple of the sun is located in this Mexican city.
What is Teotihuacan?
This country had the most complex Royal architecture made in stone in all of Africa.
What is Zimbabwe?
This is the large palace complex in china that is forbidden to everyone who is not in the imperial court.
What is the Forbidden City?
This is the term used to describe Japanese ceramic figures that were placed on burial mounds.
What are Haniwa?
This four-handed God is a popular subject for Hindu art in India.
Who is Shiva?
This term is used to describe works of art in Mayan cities in which a figure is half sitting and half lying on its back. These works were commonly displayed throughout Mayan cities.
What is a Chacmool?
This term is applicable to the nature and size of African sculpture art.
What is portability?
This was the most common subject for Chinese painters.
What are landscapes/nature?
This genre of Japanese painting was popular from the 17th to the 19th century and translates to "pictures of the floating world."
What is Ukiyo-e?
Buddhist hand gestures in Indian art are called this.
What are mudras?
"Coatlicue" is a famous work from this Mesoamerican civilization.
Who are the Aztecs?
African art was a major influence in this Cubist's art.
Who is Picasso?
Philosophy, throughout the course of chinese history, has had a profound influence on the art of China. Name 2 major belief systems (philosophies) that heavily influenced art in China from the Han Dynasty onward.
What are daoism and confucianism?
These are all cultural traditions that have innovated Japanese art (name one).
What are tea ceremonies? OR What are funerals? OR What are plays? OR What is poetry? OR What is Buddhism?
Lions were a symbol of this aspect of Buddhism in Indian art.
What is loyalty?
Totem poles were most common in which North American coast?
What is the Northwest Coast?
This major tribal belief system influenced art everywhere in Africa (and even blended with Islamic art when tribes were converted) except for Ethiopia.
What is animism?