Chinese Art
African Art
Indian Art
Japanese Art
Oceania Art
The dynasties of the most extraordinary ritual bronzes.
What are the Shang and Han dynasties?
This element is the main sculpting substance in African carvings.
What is wood?
This religion highly influenced Indian Art.
What is Hindu?
The Momoyama period produced these works of art which were lavishly decorated and painted in strong, thick colors against a gold background.
What are screen paintings?
Oceanic Art refers to what kind of land?
What are islands?
This form of art was the most regarded as the highest form of Chinese art. Elegant inscriptions and poems were often took the form of a handscroll, hanging scroll, or an album leaf, made of silk or paper.
What is Chinese Calligraphy?
This religion was the main inspiration for most African art.
What is Animist?
The Maurya dynasty's Lion capitals were influenced by which culture's capitals?
What are Persepolitan capitals?
This style of painting depicted scenes from everyday life and this term translates as "pictures of the fleeting floating world".
What is Ukiyo-e?
These kinds of works were usually wood carvings and ritual masks, brilliantly colored, and designed to serve a ritual purpose
What is Melanesian Art?
These works of art were beautiful in proportion and graceful in gesture. They show great precision and clarity in the rendering of form, with a predominance of linear rhythms.
What is Chinese Buddhist Art?
These West African people settled in the great bend of the River Niger. Their outstanding sculpture is represented by free-standing ancestor figures with a cylindrical torso, softwood masks, in bold abstract forms.
Who are the Dogon?
Buddhist art flourished during this period and has also been described as a golden age.
What is the Gupta Period?
These clay figures and statues were made in the dry-lacquer process which was a characteristic of this period.
What are Nara period sculptures?
These works were streamlined, highly finished, executed with astonishing precision, and coldly functional. Masks from this time represent benevolent spirits in simple elongated features. Most of their work resembled abstract figures representing deities.
What is Micronesian Art?
Surrounded by an exterior wall, the building complex was arranged along a central axis and was approached by an entrance gate and then a spirit gate. Behind them in sequence came a public hall and finally the private quarters. Each residential unit was built around a central court with a garden.
What is a Chinese Ground Plan?
These people inhabit southwestern Nigeria and are the largest and one of the most artistically prolific ethnic groups in West Africa. They are noted for wood carving, especially the masks of secret societies and religious cult objects.
Who are the Yoruba?
This is where the earliest Indian art and civic planning. Like most early civilizations, they were located by a river which gives them their name.
What is the Indus Valley Civilization
This religion was a major influence in Japanese architexture. The hall of worship of these building contained a spacious chancel with a flat ceiling and painted with the theme of dragons in clouds.
What is Zen Buddism?
Works of this kind included the characteristic greenish pottery of Fiji, remarkable Hawaiian featherwork, exquisite Samoan woven mats, and wooden and stone ritual sculptures.
What is Polynesian Art?
An Imperial Structure for only the emperor and his servants. Around its main courtyard are many smaller courts are combined with beautiful halls, galleries, terraces, and gateways.
What is the Forbidden City?
These people are from the Congo-Kinshasa region of African and are noted for their carvings of wooden ancestor figures, carved kneeling female figures, seated female figures holding bowls, and hemispherical kifwebe masks.
Who are the Baluba
This person's presence was represented by symbols, such as the pipal tree, the wheel of life, footprints, and an empty throne.
Who is Buddha?
During this time, the country was governed by the military, so the paintings and sculptures usually portrayed officials, warriors, priests, and poets.
What is the Kamakura Period?
These islands were the main islands included in Oceania Art.
What are the Melanesian, Micronesian, and Polynesian islands?