What are two popular forms of persuasive writing?
Speeches and articles.
What are three persuasive techniques writers use?
Emotions, logic, and credibility.
What is the purpose of a concluding paragraph in a persuasive text?
To summarize the key points and reinforce the writer’s argument
Define 'persuade'.
To convince someone to do or believe something by using reason, emotion, or credibility.
Why is direct address important in persuasive writing?
It engages the reader directly, making the message more personal and persuasive.
What does the success criteria checklist ask about punctuation?
Whether the writer has used capital letters and full stops, as well as a variety of punctuation.
What are three common examples of persuasive writing?
Advertisements, political speeches, and opinion articles.
Give an example of a persuasive verb.
"Convince," "urge," or "persuade" are persuasive verbs that push the reader toward action.
How can you improve your letter according to the checklist?
By improving two points from the checklist and adding two more from the list.