Timelines & Schedules
Expectations for Learners
Building/Classroom Care

The time coaches are expected to clock in for work?

What is 8:00 AM?


How coaches will receive announcements with information and updates

What is the Dragonfly news letter, email, and Wednesday staff meetings.


The minimum number of grades entered for each subject each quarter.

What is 10 grades per subject?


The Zen Zone

What is the place that learners go when they are upset and need to regulate their feelings away from the class community?


What we are expected to do with all 

What are cell phones, lipgloss, and any other gadgets that may cause a distraction. 


Time learners arrive for breakfast and what coaches are expected to do during this time

What is 8:15 am and actively monitoring?


The gradebook and where progress reports will be created.

What is JumpRope?


What coaches must follow and ask for approval to change.

What is the Master Schedule?


When learners are expected to eat

What is during scheduled snack and lunch breaks?


What learners are expected to do with materials throughout the day?

What is keep them organized throughout the day and leave them in the appropriate areas?


When coaches leave for the day IF all duties are completed.

What is 3:45 pm?


Communication to families about birthday parties

Bringing store bought and school safe cupcakes, celebrating during lunch time only, and passing our party bags at the end of the school day.


The day and time of staff meetings and adult crew.  

What is promptly at 4:00 p.m on Wednesdays unless communicated differently by admin.


How learners should transition during recess and specials and what coaches are expected to do.

What is orderly, walking, quiet, bodies away from walls with one coach at the beginning of the line and one at at the back, both monitoring the middle of line and ensuring no learner is in a blind spot. 


When learners who are not responsible go to the restroom.

What is coach escorting learners and checking restrooms after learners have used it?


When learners are considered tardy 

What is 8:35 am?

Cell phone policy

What is cell phones on vibrate or off and not visible or on your person. 


The timeline for requesting to show a non - instructional video.

What is at least one week in advance of the date you would like to show the video?


What learners are expected to do if they bring a phone to school.

What is turning the phone in to the coach so they can secure it until the end of the day?


Where learners will eat lunch and the expectations for the classroom environment. 

What is cleaning tables and picking up trash and placing in bins. 


The time coaches arrive to work and where they sign in and out.

What is 8:00 and the computer designated for coaches to sign in and out.


The scheduled time leaners will share their goals and progress with their families.

What are Learner Led Conferences?


The advanced request when you need supplies from OPs.  

What is 48 hours advanced notice?


The time learners should spend on homework in additional to reading. 

PreK                                                      15 minutes per night

Kinder and First Grade –                       15 minutes per night

Second Grade –                                   20 minutes per night

Third Grade –                                      20 minutes per night

Fourth Grade & Fifth Grade            30  minutes per night


Bulletin board expectations

What are information reflective of standards-based instruction and learning that is currently taking place, a title, CCSS, learning target, and date, and neat and legible print.


What a coach needs to do when they know they will be tardy and the expectation for both coaches when when planning PTO.

What is notifying the principal as soon as possible, but not later than 7:00 AM and planning together to ensure they are not out the same time.


When coaches will meet with the principal and/or DOL monthly to discuss all learners’ progress.

What is LUM? 


The requirements when leaving school premises during the school day.

What is signing out and in using the designated computer when leaving the school campus for lunch or any other times during the day.


The actions learners are expected to do to build a strong community and to dream.

What are the Ways of Being in the Graduate Profile?


What coaches and learners need to do before leaving school and work and how they will be recognized

What is stacking chairs, organizing materials and supplies, putting trash in classroom trash cans, and cleaning tabletops and what is a building service awards for maintaining a clean and orderly space.


When instruction begins and what part of the day does each day begin with? 

What is 8:30 AM and what is Crew?


How we communicate with families to set clear boundaries with examples that avoid friction. 

What is professional. Examples include not engaging with negative comments about other colleagues, families, and learners.


When lesson plans are due and where they need to be submitted. 

Thursdays in each team's folder. 


What learners are not allowed to wear and have during the instructional day and what we are expected to do.

What are flat closed in shoes, shorts and skirts that are mid thigh, shirts that cover belly buttons, lip gloss, handbags, purses, cell phones, gadgets, toys. Confiscate and inform admin and families as needed.


What we are expected to do with all materials.

What is organizing in cupboards items we are not using, organizing materials in bins and containers and labeling everything, sharpening pencils before learners arrive and not allowing them to sharper throughout the day. 


When you are expected to be to work and not request leave and what happens when you decide to take off on these days?

What are Critical Attendance days and LWOP.


When and how you are required to take attendance and when you are expected to communicate with families about attendance.

What is taking attendance in Echoolsplus, sending learners back to the Welcome Center if they do not have a tardy slip after 8:30 am, double checking at planning time to ensure attendance is accurate, calling families when a learner is absent on day 1 and beyond, adding reason given, intent to provide excuse note via email to the "attendance" email, communicating any information about a learners' absence to the attendance team.


When you can be asked to provide a doctor's note.

What is after the second day of being absent. 


How learners are expected to communicate with each other and to adults and the coaches role in this.

Using a positive tone and words. Model expectations by doing the same with colleagues, families, and learners.


When learners are using markers, expo markers, and a possible response when learners write on desks.

What is cover markers immediately to ensure they do not dry out and when a learner uses any writing tool to write on desks, then they are responsible to cleaning the desks and getting it back to its original state.