My FT asks me to complete a task.
Following Instructions
Accepting decisions
True or false: you guys can spend however long you want in your bedroom.
What is your bridge mean and what is it for?
Points you have to reach to make your privileges.
What does SODAS stand for?
A friend asks me to stash a vape.
Assertively saying no
Peer report
Choosing appropriate friends
How does the house decide who is manager?
We vote
What is the youth safety line?
If I feel unsafe in my house and I can’t talk to the adults I live with I can call 3399.
What do you do on a non priv day?
Skill work
A new peer comes to class and English is not their first language. My friends make fun of them for mispronouncing words in class.
Showing respect
Choosing appropriate friends
Peer reporting
Resisting peer pressure
Being a positive role model
How long is study hour?
30 minutes
What does 5 second rule mean?
Go to your room and shut the door. Used during non compliance or unsafe situations.
What do you have to do for a skill review?
Write the steps of the skill
How do you use it inside Boystown?
Why is it important?
How can you use it outside of Boystown?
Your boss asks you to do something illegal.
Saying no assertively Making moral and spiritual decisions Disagreeing appropriately Following the rules
How do you know what time your bedtime is?
Daily: 9pm
Weekly 6: 9:15
Weekly 3: 9:30
Achievement: 9:45
Manger extra 15 minutes
Weekend: extra 15 minutes
How many bonds do you need to move through weekly?
To get to weekly 3: 40
To get to achievement: another 40
What are some kitchen safety rules?
Turn off appliances after use
Knife safety
Asking for help before grabbing from the sharps drawer.
Sanitize and clean up after self.
Your sibling is calling your names and making fun of you.
Using anger control strategies
Dealing with frustration
Making positive self statements
Coping with sad feelingsWhen is checkout time?
School: 7:15
No school: 10church: 8:45
What is the appeals process?
You can disagree appropriately about a decision. If FT’s say no you can ask to take it to family meeting for your peers to vote. Then to Mark, then Rose, and so on.
What do you have to do to be eligible for manager?
No office referrals
No more than 2 negative 8s
Not above the -5,000