Close Reading
An inference is...
What is an educated guess based on the text
What are the five close reading strategies?
What is Visualization, Context Clues, Reread, Ask Questions, Connect to Author's Feelings
What is the definition of central claim?
What is Main argument that provides a unifying theme
What is required in a proper quotation? (two things)
What is Quotation marks and parentheses
"Gen Z is often portrayed as less engaged in politics; they have short attention spans and don't care about the weighty issues that confront their generation and the nation; and they're more interested in technology and celebrity than staying active in their communities and schools." (1) a. Gen Z is stupid b. Gen Z would rather play video games then watch the news c. Gen Z would rather play sports then watch TV
What is b. Gen Z would rather play video games then watch the news.
“No one calls each other up and says, ‘Hey, want to go for a bike ride?’” Zerafin said. “And if they do, it’s rare. Now it’s more like, ‘Hey, want to come over and play some (‘Call of Duty’)?’” Draw a picture of what you see in the passage.
What is Teacher's Choice.
How should you write a quote sandwich? Do not just provide me with one word answers.
What is Introduce the quotation with background. Include the quotation with a sentence starter. Explain/Analyze the quotation and connect to the main idea/central claim.
Provide evidence that Michelle Zerafin believes the stereotype about teens is true. (After Paragraph 4)
What is "I'm guilty of not being knowledgeable about the world, and I can name 10 other people right now that aren't either". (5)
"You guys have all these devices like smartphones, touchscreens, iPhones, iPads, 'iEverything,'" Elk Grove history teacher Dan Davisson said. "It'd be hard for you guys to spend your energy on things like volunteering if you have all these distractions." Make an inference about adults.
What is Adults volunteer more than kids. Adults did not have devices like smartphones, touchscreens, iPhones, iPads, etc.
“You guys have all these devices like smartphones, touchscreens, iPhones, iPads, ‘iEverything,’” Elk Grove history teacher Dan Davisson said. “It’d be hard for you guys to spend your energy on things like volunteering if you have all these distractions.” Imagine/Connect with Author's Feelings
What is Example: I also have smartphones and often am distracted by my devices.
After Paragraph 8: How does parent Hellen Minev describe her daughter’s generation in relation to her own?
What is Hellen Minev does not believe that Generation Z is apathetic so much as wrapped up in technology that her generation did not have.
Provide a quote from pastor Jin Kim which proves teens are NOT lazy. (Last paragraphs of article)
What is "I have kids right in front of me right now that spend their time and effort volunteering and being active in their community." (20)
"Unfortunately, I do think that our generation is somewhat guilty of that title," Elk Grove junior Michelle Zerafin said. "I'm guilty of not being knowledgeable about the world, and I can name 10 other people right now that aren't either." Make an inference about age based on Zerafin's comments.
What is The younger you are the less informed you are about the world.
(7)“Compared to when I was growing up, I think that in some ways my daughter’s generation is more unaware of what’s going on the world,” Hellen Minev said, a parent of a Prospect student. “I don’t think they’re apathetic, though; I think they just have different priorities, like their cellphones and Facebook.” Ask a question.
What is Why does Gen Z have different priorities? Why is the older generation different than the younger generation?
After Paragraph 18: According to these paragraphs, what are some ways teens can move beyond the stereotype?
What is The pastor says the teens he works with spend their time being attentive to issues in the community and volunteering.
Provide a quote that states the central claim: Generation Z is gaining a stereotypical reputation for being lazy and apathetic.
What is "Though they're characterized as multitasking whizzes, they're simultaneously garnering the reputation among older generations of being lazy, unaware and apathetic". (2)
"Furthermore, sitting around watching videos, texting or playing video games can lead to negative health effects for teens who would rather indoors and use their electronics than be active outdoors. They're leading a sedentary lifestyle that, when paired with a poor diet, can result in obesity, diabetes and other health problems." Make an inference about identity based on this comment.
What is Age
(10)Furthermore, sitting around watching videos, texting or playing video games can lead to negative health effects for teens who would rather stay indoors and use their electronics than be active outdoors. They’re leading a sedentary lifestyle that, when paired with a poor diet, can result in obesity, diabetes and other health problems. Re-read and Context Clues: What is the meaning of sedentary?
What is Sedentary: doing or requiring much sitting
Central Idea: Generation Z is gaining a stereotypical reputation for being lazy and apathetic. Provide a quote sandwich. Introduce, Include, Explain.
What is Teacher's Choice.
Find a quotation that matches the identity this text is meant to explore.
What is Age/Ability. Teacher's choice.