Textual Evidence
Central Idea

What is an inference? 

(Think ______ + ________ = inference)

The combination of evidence from the text and your own previous/background knowledge.

Evidence + Previous Knowledge = Inference


  Amelia Earhart wasn't afraid to break down barriers. In 1928, she was the first woman to fly as a passenger across the Atlantic Ocean. Then, in 1932, she became the first woman to pilot a plane across that ocean. There weren't many female pilots back then, and her actions inspired other women to follow their dreams. This was especially important because there were few career choices available to women at that time. Amelia Earhart has inspired generations of women to do things that had never been done by women before.

Based on the paragraph, how did many women likely feel after Amelia Earhart's trans-ocean journey?

 A. afraid of being drafted into the air force

 B. jealous of Amelia Earhart's accomplishments

 C. scared of flying

  D. proud of their fellow woman

D. proud of their fellow woman


True or False:

The central idea of a passage is always a sentence and usually written in the passage.



What does SWBST stand for?







What is a generalization?

A statement that is true for MOST people in a group

The dog was wondering around looking sad with his leash hanging down. He started to whimper. I can infer...

A. the dog is looking for his owner

B. the dog doesn't care

C. the dog is dumb

D. the dog is running away

A. The dog is looking for his owner


Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap.  Some of the people sitting at the tables near him looked up from their books and gave him annoyed looks.  Alex realized that he had disturbed them and held up his hand apologetically.  The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made.  Alex put the laptop in his bag and began walking toward the door.  He held his head down low.

Which of the following choices is evidence that the setting is a library?

A. He held his head down low.

B. Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap

C. Alex realized that he had disturbed them and held up his hand apologetically. 

D. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made.

D. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made.


What is the central idea of the passage?

Millions of acres of tropical rainforest have been destroyed. Many animals and people lose their homes when the rain forest is cut down. Today, people are destroying the forests so quickly that the animals are unable to adapt. Many of these animals, such as the leopard, need miles and miles of untouched rain forest in order to live. Furthermore, as more of the rainforest is destroyed, the risk of air pollution and loss of oxygen increases.

A. Leopards are losing their homes

B. The destruction of the rain forest is harming humans and animals.

C. The destruction of the rain forest is a controversial subject

D. Forests provide oxygen for humans and animals

B. The destruction of the rain forest is harming humans and animals


It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see the elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the elephants were his favorite. Without much interest, Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with their tails. Peter knew he should be having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do was lie down and rest. Even the lions and tigers did not interest him now.
The Summary of this passage is:

A. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants.

B. The camels were swatting flies with their tails.

C. It was really hot at the zoo.

D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.

D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad


What is the clue word in the following generalization?

Most government buildings are closed on holidays.

A. Most

B. Closed

C. Are

D. Government

A. Most


Which sentence from the selection supports that the computer was not working properly?

A. Rita took three hours to finish her homework.

B. Ritaʼs homework was not finished.

C. Rita had to write out her story instead of typing it.

D. Ritaʼs homework was not done correctly.

C. Rita had to write out her story instead of typing it.


There was some controversy about the new school dress code. While most parents and teachers were in favor of the new code, many students were not. 

What does the word "controversy" mean in this passage?

A. Surprise

B. Disagreement

C. Arrangemnent 

D. policy

B. Disagreement


What is the best question to ask yourself when you are trying to find the central idea of a text?

A. Who is the main character?

B. What is the significance of the main event?

C. What is one important detail?

D. What point is the author trying to make?

D. What point is the author trying to make?



     Fjords are beautiful and interesting geographic features where a narrow inlet of the sea weaves between tall cliffs on three sides. They are wider than they are long and the water is deeper in the fjord than the sea. Fjords are generally found in cold areas such as Norway, Iceland, and Alaska. Norway has more than 1,000 fjords along the coastline. They were formed by glaciers moving and slicing through the terrain during the ice age. Tourists travel to fjords to enjoy the seclusion and majestic scenery. Kayaking and hiking are popular sports used to enjoy fjords. Tourists can also take boat cruises throughout the fjords.

What is the best summary of this paragraph?

A. Fjords are long, deep water features formed by glaciers during the ice age. They provide tourists with many opportunities such as kayaking, hiking, and boat cruises. They are found in Norway, Iceland, and Alaska.

 B. Fjords are beautiful and provide seclusion and majestic scenery for tourists. They were formed during the ice age in Norway and other cold areas. There are more than 1,000 fjords along coastlines.

 C. Norway, Iceland, and Alaska have beautiful fjords that were formed during the ice age. Tourists enjoy these narrow, deep water features. Tourists must take boat cruises to reach fjords.

 D. Cold areas such as Norway, Iceland, and Alaska have as many as 1,000 fjords. These narrow, deep waterways provide ways to enjoy popular sports such as kayaking and hiking. Most tourists take boat cruises through the fjords.

A. Fjords are long, deep water features formed by glaciers during the ice age. They provide tourists with many opportunities such as kayaking, hiking, and boat cruises. They are found in Norway, Iceland, and Alaska


In the U.S., your chances of getting killed by lightning are 30 times greater than dying of a shark attack. Drowning, heart attacks, beach accidents resulting in spinal injury, sunburn, cuts from stepping on sea shells, dehydration, jellyfish stings, and traffic accidents going to or from the beach are all far more common than shark attacks. 

What generalization can be made from this information?

A. Dehydration occurs most often near salt water.

B. Your chances of getting killed by lightning are 30 times greater than dying of a shark attack.

C. The beach is a dangerous place to vacation.

D. Sharks rarely pose a danger to humans.

D. Sharks rarely pose a danger to humans


The minions don't speak a real language that we can understand. What can you infer from their conversations in this clip?

The minions are speaking about how far they can reach and the taller one is teasing the shorter one because he could reach farther.


     On January 10, 1901, life in the southeast Texas town of Beaumont changed forever. Outside of town, oil drilling had begun at Spindletop Hill in 1893. Finding oil had proved tougher than the Gladys City Company had thought, but the company kept trying. Suddenly, a well began gushing oil more than 100 feet into the air. It took more than a week to stop the oil flow.
      Back then, about 10,000 people lived in Beaumont. Many of them worked on farms and ranches. After Spindletop, oil became the most important trade in town. Soon, Beaumont had more than 50,000 people and 500 companies.

What evidence would be most helpful to support the information presented in the passage?

 A. an explanation of how oil is drilled and removed from the ground

 B. research showing the type of soil that is found in Beaumont, Texas

  C. research showing how much oil has been produced from Beaumont, Texas since the early 1900s

 D. an explanation of how the city government dealt with the dramatic growth of Beaumont, Texas

C. research showing how much oil has been produced from Beaumont, Texas since the early 1900s


    The Nobel Prize for Literature went to Doris Lessing of Britain. She won for her book The Golden Notebook, which was written in 1962. Lessing has been named a candidate for the award for 30 years. She once said, "I'll never get it." Less than two months after her 88th birthday, she received her award. She was the oldest person to win this prize. Lessing was honored at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden in December.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

 A. The Nobel Prize ceremony takes place in Sweden.

 B. Lessing turned 88 years old before getting her award.

 C. The Golden Notebook was written in 1962.

  D. Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

D. Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature


What is the difference between retelling and summarizing?

A. A summary is a long detailed paragraph and a retell is not.

B. A retell is telling about all the events while a summary only talks about main ideas.

C. Retelling and summarizing are the same thing.

D. Retelling is a word used for little kids and summarizing is used for big kids.

B. A retell is telling about all the events while a summary only talks about main ideas.


  Lester Polsfuss is best known by his stage name, Les Paul, and as the inventor of the solid-body electric guitar. He taught himself to play the acoustic guitar as well as the harmonica and banjo. As a young man, he tried amplifying acoustic guitars, but he never liked the sound. He made his first solid-body electric guitar out of a piece of railway sleeper and called it the “log” because it was so heavy. The sounds he made with it were unique at that time. Because of that, he was in demand to play with the most famous singers of his day. In 1948, he had a number one hit called “Lover,” but soon after he was in a car accident and his hand was crushed. Doctors could only set his hand in one position and asked him what he wanted to do. Without blinking an eye, he told them to set it so he could play guitar.

Who may have benefited the most from Les Paul's invention?

 A. accident victims

 B. railway passengers

 C. rock musicians

 D. electrical engineers

C. rock musicians 


Coffee originated centuries ago. According to a legend, Kaldi, a shepherd in Ethiopia, noticed his goats were suddenly more energetic than usual after eating some berries from an unknown plant. He told the abbot, the leader of the monks about the incident. When the abbot tested that the berries were indeed "wonder beans," he decided to use them to prepare a beverage. To get maximum benefits from the berries, he dried and roasted these beans, and then he put them in hot boiling water. This drink helped the other monks to remain awake and alert during long meetings. Slowly, the word of this newly-discovered bean and its benefits spread as far as the Arabian Peninsula.

Which statement is supported by this paragraph?

 A. Coffee beans were discovered so long ago that most people do not know their true origin.

 B. Shepherds used to remain alert and take great care of their goats.

 C. People in the past used to spend their days looking after animals.

 D. People from distant places started using coffee beans as the beans became popular.

D. People from distant places started using coffee beans as the beans became popular.


 In the last five years, computer companies sold a record number of student laptops to schools. Many schools even required teachers to include computers in their lessons. As a result, teachers began to focus less on textbooks.
      Young learners welcomed the move toward computer instruction. This is because these children learned the importance of computers at an early age. Some schools have shared student success stories from their laptop programs. One high school reported a student graduation increase of 11%.

What evidence would be most helpful to support the information presented in the passage?

A. an argument about why textbooks are better than laptops

  B. research showing a decline in the number of textbooks being sold

 C. the current price of laptops sold to schools compared to textbook costs

 D. data showing how often students use laptops at home

B. research showing a decline in the number of textbooks being sold


What is the central idea of the passage?

Thomas Edison’s life span is known as “The age of Edison.” If it wasn’t for Thomas Edison, we might not have electric lights, telephones, movie cameras, or computers! Think of all the ways these great products affect our lives today. Edison held over 1,000 patents and received dozens of awards during his lifetime for his inventions and contributions to science.

A. The light bulb has become an essential invention

B. Thomas Edison's inventions still impact society today

C. Thomas Edison worked until he perfected his inventions

D. The process of inventing is never-ending

B. Thomas Edison's inventions sill impact society today


Complete SWBST for the following short film: 

S- Geoff

W- to make the perfect consistency of beans

B- he had trouble and got distracted by having a family

S- his kids had the same struggle he did with beans falling off the toast

T- Geoff was inspired again and came up with a solution


 Ehrich Weiss is best known by the name Harry Houdini. He earned fame as an escape artist who freed himself from ropes, shackles, and handcuffs. He was also interested in exposing scams. Houdini wanted to show how people could be tricked into thinking something was real when it wasn't. He was mainly critical of situations where people who had lost a loved one might be deceived by a con artist. He wanted to prevent people from taking advantage of grieving relatives.

This article selection would most likely be found in a magazine about


A. funerals.

B. circus acts.

C. mysteries.

D. prisons.

C. Mysteries