Taking Notes & Asking Questions
Interesting & Important information and Summarizing
Making Inferences
Why is taking notes when we read important?
Taking notes when we read is important because it helps us make sure we are paying attention and tracking our thinking as we read. Notes also help us remember our reading and understand better.
What is a summary?
A summary is a shortened explanation of a piece of writing that includes key details and the main idea.
Fill in the blanks! _______ + ________ = An Inference!
What you see + What you know = an inference
Why is it important to ask questions as we read?
Asking questions as we read is important because it helps us track our thinking. Questioning the reading also helps us understand the article better. When we do not understand something, taking note our questions and then finding the answer ensures that we understand the article fully.
If you were writing a paper about zebras, what information in this paragraph is important and which is nice to know (interesting) information? Zebras are found on savannas in Africa. Thousands of different animal species live in Africa. Zebras spend time together in herds. Every zebra in a herd will have different stripes. Like zebra's stripes, no two human finger prints are alike.
Important: Zebras are found on savannas in Africa. They spend time in herds. They all have different stripes. Interesting: Thousands of different animal species in Africa. No two human finger prints are alike.
What type of context clue would you use to define boisterous? Unlike the calm and quiet zebras, the chimpanzees became boisterous when the zookeeper brought them their lunch.
Boisterous means noisy, rowdy, and excited. Antonym
What are some examples of how we take notes?
Text Coding Post- its Highlighting Underlining Circling
Please summarize this paragraph: Today, John took a trip to the zoo with his whole class. The zoo is John's favorite place to visit! The first animal John saw was a large lion. The lion opened his mouth wide and John saw all of its enormous teeth! Next, John went to see the penguins. He enjoyed watching them swim under the clear water. The last animals John saw were the bears. When the day ended, John bought some ice cream for the ride home. It was a great day!
John took a trip to his favorite place, the zoo. He saw lions, penguins, and bears while he was there. John had a great time at the zoo.
Read the poem: Crickets We cannot say that crickets sing Since all they do is twang a wing. *Especially when the wind is still *They orchestrate a sunlit hill. And in the evening blue above They weave the stars and moon with love. Then peacefully they chirp all night Remembering delight, delight...
wind is still: there's no breeze orchestrate a sunlit hill: chirping, creating music
List the strategies used to find the answers to our questions.
Ask a friend or teacher Continue reading Conduct Additional research Look at text features such as pictures, title, heading
How does identifying important and interesting information help us when we are writing our summaries?
Knowing what information is important and what information is interesting helps us write our summaries because our summaries should include the key points, or the important information from the reading. If we know how to find the important information, we know what to include in our summaries.
Make an inference about this paragraph: Doug was excited! He wagged his tail and jumped up and down. He waited as his leash was clipped onto his collar. Then, he burst out the door and trotted along the sidewalk. This was his favorite time of day.
Doug is a dog going for a walk.