How many people has Truck(Scary Grill) killed?
What is 0
Who was robbed the most (according to Kelly)
Who is Kelly
Who is the co-host of S4?
Who is Harold/Billy
When is EzraIsAnEvilRainbow's birthday?
A) Jan. 10th
B) Jan. 11th
C) Jan. 12th
What is January 11th
Jacques and Rock won the previous season of this TDD, but who were they playing as ?
Who is Noah and Harry
How many different people have competed in S4?
What is 33
Which episode was Sasquatchnakwas debut?
What is "The Big Sleep"
Who is Truck's (Scary Grill's) fav TD character?
Who is Leshawna
Did Millie ever have an immunity idol?
What is no
What is the popular video Monke's emoji is taken from?
What is "Uh Oh"
Who is Dawnsbubble fav from DC?
Who is no one, she hasn't seen it
Which of these pairs never played at 1 team?
A) Aiden and Jacques
B) Rock and Owen
C) Izzy and Millie
D) Rachel and Kitty
What is: D/Rachel and Kitty
How many main Disney movies has Lily(Rachel) seen?
What is 5
What is the name of Lily(Rachel)'s dog?
She dosen't have a dog
How many advantages have Egor(Rock) used in S4?