Discomforts of Pregnancy
Antepartum Testing
Prenatal Assessment
Fatigue is common in early pregnancy. What is the cause of this discomfort?
What is unknown.
________________ is common in pregnancy due to the increased filtration rate in the kidneys.
What is glucosuria
_____ is the ingestion of substances not usually considered part of a normal diet.
What is Pica. Examples are ice, clay or dirt, laundry starch or constarch. It is often associated w/deficiency of iron or zinc.
A pregnant client is instructed that she will be seen in the office every _____ weeks until 28-30 weeks of gestation.
What is 4.
__________ is the 1st stage of labor when the client is dilated 0-3cm and is usually still very social and in little discomfort.
What is latent or early labor
Excessive salivation is known as
What is ptyalism
The client is sent to the triage of L/D for an NST due to a history of hypertension. An EFM is applied. The nurse notes fetal movement 3 times in a 10 minute window with FHR accelerations of 15-25 pbm over the baseline lasting 15-20 seconds each time. She would interpret this test as
What is reactive (reassuring)
A client with a normal prepregnancy BMI would be encouraged to gain how much weight during the pregnancy?
What is 25-35 pounds
The fundal height is measured at every prenatal visit by placing the measuring tape on the ______ and stretching it to the top of the _______.
What is the symphysis pubis and to the top of the fundus.
Your client has expressed her desire to have an epidural during her labor. The nurse knows that the most common adverse effect associated with an epidural is
What is hypotension
Varicosities are common in pregnancy. The nurse would educate the client to do what to help manage these discomforts?
What is 1) wear support hose, 2) elevate legs, 3) avoid crossing the legs, 4) ambulate frequently, 5) wear low heeled shoes, 6) exercise regularly
An ultrasound is ordered in the 1st trimester. What are some reasons for this test?
What is 1) confirm pregnancy, 2) verify location of the pregnancy, 3) detect multifetal gestations, 4) determine gestational age, 5) confirm number and viability of fetuses, 6) identify markers that may suggest chromosome or other abnormalities, 7) determine the locations of the uterus, cervix, and placenta for procedures such as CVS
All women of child bearing age should be encouraged to have a daily intake of 400 mcg of folic acid to help decrease the risk of open neural tube defects. A client who has previously had a child with such a defect or who takes anticonvulsant medications should be counseled to take what daily dose of folic acid prior to conception?
What is 4000mcg (4 grams) daily
The nurse will perform __________________ to be able to best determine where to hear the fetal heart tones.
What is leopold's maneuver
The patient may experience feeling out of control and overwhelmed during which stage of labor?
What is transition in the 1st stage of labor
The nurse should educate the patient to 1) avoid panty hose, 2) wear loose cotton underwear, 3) avoid tight pants, and/or 4) keep the perineum clean and dry to help manage the common discomfort of
What is vaginal discharge
An amniocentesis is ordered for a client who has arrived on the OB unit with complaints of SROM at 36 weeks. The purpose of this test is
What is to confirm lung maturity. The L/S ratio must be 2-1
Clients taking supplemental prenatal iron should be counseled on how to take it correctly. The nurse will tell the client ????
What is 1) take on an empty stomach, 2) take with vitamin C (juice, koolaid), 3) avoid taking with calcium and caffeine products, 4) may cause constipation and black, tarry stools
A client arrives to the OB unit with complaints of labor at 40 weeks gestation. The nurse should encourage the client to use the restroom, change her clothes, and then apply an EFM. The purpose of the EFM is?
What is assess baseline fetal heart rate, variability, any contractions, and the fetal response to the contractions
While assessing a laboring patient, you note that the FHR BL is 150 with moderate variability. After the acme of the contraction, the FHR drops to 120 for the remainder of the contraction and slowly returns to the baseline. The nurse would determine that this is ???
What is late deceleration (uteroplacental insufficiency)
Leg cramps are common in pregnancy. The nurse should educate the client to increase _________ and decrease _______ to help alleviate leg cramps.
What is increase calcium and decrease phosphorous
A client has an order for a BPP (biophysical profile). The nurse knows that in addition to an NST, the patient must also have an ___________ performed.
What is an ultrasound
Women who have insufficient weight gain may have what complications?
What is 1) low-birth-weight infants, 2) SGA infants, 3) preterm birth, 4) failure to initiate breastfeeding
What are the 3 things that are determined from a vaginal exam?
What is dilation, effacement, and station
What is the expected nursing response to late decelerations?
What is 1) reposition the patient, 2) increase the IVF's, 3) turn off pitocin (if applicable), 4) apply oxygen at 8-10 lpm per face mask, and 5) notify the provider