Test Taking Info
Test Strategies 1.0
Test Strategies 2.0

What time do students need to be at Norman High School to take ACT and where do they go?

All 11th grade students will take the ACT tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/9) at 9:00 AM SHARP. They will need to head straight to their assigned rooms (which can be found on the printed sheets by the courtyard and the cafeteria)!


What item should you NOT bring with you to take the ACT?

A) your student ID for identification

B) pencils with erasers for your scratch sheet of paper 

C) your cell phone for a calculator and to keep track of time

D) you should bring all of the above items for the ACT.

The answer is C. You cannot use a cell phone during the test so bring a calculator. The teacher will keep track of the time during the test for you. You should bring your student ID and two #2 pencils with erasers for scratch notes.


If you don't know the answer to a question you should...

A) Ignore it entirely

B) Think about it for 5 minutes then answer

C) Skip it and return back to it later (if possible)

D) Cry about it

The answer is C. Skipping it will allow you not to waste precious time and returning back to it will allow you to handle the question at the end of your test.


The first bar code was composed of four white lines set at specific  [distances from each other]  on a black background. The first line was always present. Depending on the presence or absence of the remaining three lines, up to seven different arrangements were susceptible and, therefore, seven different encodings. Today, twenty-nine white lines making more than half a billion encodings possible.


B. distances so that each was separated, one from the

C. locations, each one set apart from the

D. lengths of distance from each

The answer is A, NO CHANGE. The term distance doesn't need to be specified and should remain as indicating that the lines of a bar code are set at a distance from each other (each other is referring to the lines).


31. The fourth paragraph (lines 63–71) marks a shift in the focus of the passage from:

A. plants that store water above ground to plants that store water below ground.

B. animals that don’t go dormant to animals that do go dormant.

C. desert-dwelling plants to desert-dwelling animals.

D. inhabitants of the Negev Desert to inhabitants of northern Australian deserts.

The answer is C, desert-dwelling plants to desert-dwelling animals.


Will the 11th-grade ACT be paper/pencil or electronic?

Students will take their ACT electronically on student-loaned, NPS devices... NO NEED to bring your own electronic devices!


Should you guess the answers on the ACT?

A) Yes, because wrong answers don't count against you.

B) Yes, because you have to answer all the questions to get a score.

C) No, because wrong answers count against you.

D) None of the above

The answer is A. There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT. Never, ever, ever, leave any answers blank. You have a 25% chance of getting the question right if you guess. So at the very least, always guess!


If you are answering questions about a story problem you should...

A) go back and re-read

B) look for context-clues

C) skim only

D) A & B

The answer is D. Whether it be math or reading, utilizing the ability to go back, re-read, and looking for context-clues will allow you the best chance to answer correctly.


The first bar code was composed of four white lines set at specific distances from each other on a black background. The first line was always present. [2] Depending on the presence or absence of the remaining three lines, up to seven different arrangements were susceptible and, therefore, seven different encodings. Today, twenty-nine white lines making more than half a billion encodings possible.

2. The writer is considering deleting the preceding sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?

A. Kept, because it begins the description that is completed in the sentence that follows.

B. Kept, because it gives a clear image of what the first bar code looked like.

C. Deleted, because it provides an extra detail that is not relevant to the subject of the paragraph.

D. Deleted, because it contradicts a point made later in the paragraph.

The answers is A, Kept, because it begins the description that is completed in the sentence that follows.


32. Based on the passage, the author’s use of the word “measuring” (line 12) most nearly describes the way that some desert plants:

A. have roots that are extremely sensitive to moisture levels in the soil.

B. have methods of delaying seed germination until a certain amount of water is present.

C. are visibly more vigorous after a rainfall.

D. can calculate how many inches of rain have fallen in recent days.

The answer is B, have methods of delaying seed germination until a certain amount of water is present.


What does the ACT test day (roughly) look like? Do you go home or return to 6th & 7th hour after your test?

Arrive at 9:00 AM, test, lunch will be given during the test (between the science and the essay portion), and then finish the test. Students will be released once they are done with their test to athletics or to go home.


Here are some general hints for answering Sentence Completion questions. Please identify which hint is NOT correct.

A) Read the entire sentence to yourself.

B) Watch for introductory or connecting words and phrases like "but," "not," "because," etc.

C) In sentences with two blanks, only one answer has to make sense in the sentence.

D) Start by working with one blank at a time.

E) Stay within the meaning of the sentence.

F) Before you mark your answer, read the complete sentence with your choice filled in.

The answer is C. In sentences with two blanks, make sure the words for both blanks make sense in the sentence.


Why should you be aware of words like "always," "never," "only," "must," and "completely."?

A)  These are extreme words that are more than likely to be the wrong choice since there are many exceptions to rules.

B) These are simple words that are more than likely to confuse you.

C) They are necessary to the question at hand so, any time you see them, it is the correct answer.

D) All of the above

The answer is A, these are extreme words that are more than likely to be the wrong choice since there are many exceptions to rules.


The first bar code was composed of four white lines set at specific distances from each other on a black background. The first line was always present. Depending on the presence or absence of the remaining three lines, up to seven different arrangements were   [susceptible]   and, therefore, seven different encodings. Today, twenty-nine white lines making more than half a billion encodings possible.


B. responsible

C. possible

D. capable

The answer is C. possible. Susceptible isn't the best adjective to describe the arrangements of the bar codes lines. Instead, it is referring to the variability of the lines and possible refers to the different combinations. Possible is the best adjective in this situation.


38. As it is used in line 26, the word extent most nearly means:

A. length.

B. degree.

C. reach.

D. boundary.

The answer is B, degree.


What does ACT stand for?

ACT stands for the American College Testing.


Which of the following are 2 of the 4 sections on the ACT?

A) English and Astronomy

B) English and Reading

C) Reading and Physics

B) Science & Psychology

The answer is B. There are 4 sections total - English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science.


What do you think the following phrase regarding test taking skills/strategies alludes to?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

If the directions say read.... READ! Pay close attention to signal words in the directions, such as explain, interpret, and compare.


The first bar code was composed of four white lines set at specific distances from each other on a black background. The first line was always present. $ Depending on the presence or absence of the remaining three lines, up to seven different arrangements were[susceptible and, therefore, seven different encodings. Today, twenty-nine white lines  [making]  more than half a billion encodings possible.


B. which make

C. to make

D. make

The answer is D, make. The sentence "Today, twenty-nine white lines making more than half a billion encodings possible." isn't accurate. Instead, making needs to be substituted out of the continuous tense and into the present tense form.


39. According to the passage, which of the following actions did people in the Negev Desert take in order to farm there?

A. Plowing the soil

B. Widening gullies

C. Constructing terraces

D. Constructing aqueducts

The answer is C, Constructing terraces.


Why should you take the ACT? 

a) It is a test that is required for you to take as a high school student at an Oklahoma public high school. 

b) It is used for qualification for various scholarships across colleges/universities.

c) It can be used to apply & receive admittance into various colleges/universities.

d) all of the above

The answer is D, all of the above.


What do you think the following phrase means regarding test taking strategies?

No Blanks! Always Check!

Never leave a question blank and always check before submitting your work :)


Name 5 suggestions you should do the night before and morning of your test.

Get 8 hours of sleep

Eat a good, hearty breakfast

Bring a water bottle

Wear layers (you don't know if you will get hot or cold during your test!)

Wear comfortable clothes to feel good and confident

Go for a walk, meditate, journal, etc.

Get to school early!

Turn your phone off


In 1948, graduate  [students, Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver, ] took on a problem that had troubled retailers for years: how to keep track of store inventories. Inspired by the dots and dashes of Morse code, however, Woodland and Silver created a system of lines that could encode data. Called a symbology, the pattern created by the spacing and widths of the lines encodes information by representing different characters.


B. students, Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver

C. students Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver

D. students Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver,

The answer is C, students Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver. The comma doesn't need to be provided due to comma conventions within Standard English.


40. Based on the passage, the pleats in the body of the saguaro cactus:

A. increase the efficiency of photosynthesis.

B. allow the cactus to expand for storing water.

C. reduce evaporative water loss.

D. regulate the cactus’s growth.

The answer is B, allow the cactus to expand for storing water.