Class Supplies 1
Class Supplies 2
Class Norms 1
Class Norms 2
School Norms

Where is the math manipulatives shelf?

Under the front whiteboard


Where does a borrowed pencil go when you are done using it?

Returned to the place from where you borrowed it


You don’t know what class comes next and you do not have a timetable with you. Where do you look to find out your schedule for the day?

Look at a copy of your timetable that is posted outside the classroom door


What is the noise level when the teacher or your peer is speaking to the whole class?

Mute Button


How do you walk in the hallway as a whole class?

Single file, on the right side of the hallway and silently!


You forgot your pencil case in your locker and you need to borrow one of the classroom pencils. Where can you find them?

On the AV cart, but you need to ask the teacher before you take one


The teacher forgot to hole punch your worksheet. What do you do? Where can you find the tool to solve this problem?

You use the hole punch that is next to the "Working on it" bin


You are writing a test but you cannot separate your desks, since there are only round tables in the classroom. What do you use to ensure that you or your peers sitting beside you do not cheat.

Use a privacy divider that you can find on the wooden cart


What is the noise level when you are working independently, but you need to ask a question?

Movie Theatre Whisper


Which door should you normally use when you enter and exit the building?

The intermediate door.


Your pencil is dull. What do you do? Where can you find the tool you need to solve this problem?

Use the pencil sharpener on the wooden library cart next to the laptop cart


You need sticky notes for a brainstorming activity. Where do you find them?

Under the chart stand


You are finished with an assignment and need to submit it. What do you do?

You place it in the "Finished Bin"


What happens to your chair when you get up and move around the classroom/school?

You tuck in the chair.


You need to contact your parents during the school day, i.e., 9:00 a.m. to 3:20 a.m. How do you do that?

You ask to go to the office and use the phone from there.


You need some dice for a math activity. Where can you find them?

Look in the math manipulatives shelf


What else can you find under the chart stand?

Highlighters, Mini whiteboards, Glue sticks, Markers


You are not finished with an assignment but it is the end of class. Don’t worry, you will be given more time but you cannot keep the assignment. Where does the assignment go?

In the "Working on it" bin


How do you sign out a book from the classroom library?

Take the library card out of the book and place it in the "Borrow a Book" pocket with your ID number.


What noise level should use use when you are walking in the hallway during instructional (class) time.

Mute button.


You got a paper cut and you need a band aid. What do you do?

Get a band aid from the bin on top of the Mailbox


You are going outside for a science activity. You need paper and a clipboard. What do you do? Where can you find the necessary materials that you need?

Get a clip board from the basket next to the wooden cart, get paper from the bin on the wooden cart.


It is lunch time and your bag of chips exploded as you tried to open it. Now it is all over the floor. What do you do?

You use the broom by the door and dispose of your chips in the green bin


How many people are allowed to use the washroom at once?

One person to use the female washroom and one person to use the male washroom.


When should you get to school in the morning?

Between 8:45 a.m. and 8:55 a.m.