How was the world in Norse Mythology created?
Ymir's remains created things such as the water, the mountains, etc.
Why was Norse Mythology used in Marvel?
Stan Lee knew people were less familiar with Norse Mythology.
What was the name of the realm of Fire?
What does Ragnarok describe?
The end of the world/it's resurrection
How was the first God made?
A primordial cow licked a salty rock
When the world was created, how many realms was it split into?
9 realms
Who could hold Thor's hammer in the myth?
Anyone who was strong enough to lift it.
What were dwarves known for in Nidavellir?
They were known for living in mines and forges.
What event was the start of Ragnarok?
Fimbulvinter, or Three long winters in a row.
How did Ymir give birth to the five other giants?
From his sweat
Who attacked Ymir, which led to him being killed?
Ymir's brothers, Odin, Vili and Ve
What places or settings were in both the Myth and in Marvel, there are three?
The Nine Realms, Yggdrasil, and The Bifrost
Who lived in Midgard?
Humans lived there
What two animals come out to eat the sun and the moon?
Two mythological wolves, named Skoll and Hati
What 3 realms were on top of the Yggdrasil tree?
Asgard, Vanaheim, and svartalfiem
What two realms existed before the whole world was created?
The realms of fire and ice
Where did Loki learn his abilities from in the myth, who were they?
His mother, Laufey a goddess and a witch.
Which gods lived in Asgard?
The Aesir Gods
What event in Ragnarok caused Loki to break free from his chains?
How did Ragnarok end/resurrect?
Gods and giants survived, and they recreated a new life in a realm that wasn't destroyed by the fire.
What were the three brother's names that attacked Ymir?
Odin, Vili, and Ve
Name a specific similarity and two specific differences between the Myth and Marvel.
Answers may very
Which gods lived in Vanaheim?
The Vanir Gods
What giant sliced Freyr in half, resulting in the whole world erupting into flames?
What type of mythical creature was Loki's parents?
A giant and a God