This Norse god is known for his temper, his hammer, and his red (gold) hair.
Who is Thor! (Also Thursday is named for him)
This Norse goddess is sometimes pictured with a chariot pulled by CATS!
Who is Freya? (Also she is the Goddess of love and beauty)
In this myth, Thor battles the world serpent.
What is Ragnarok, or jormungander?
Norsemen often rowed the seas in search of fortune in these famous boats with carved heads!
What is a longboat or long ship?
This teacher's hobbies include hunting and thrifting.
Who is Mrs. DeMartino?
This Norse god lost a hand to a child of Loki (aka Fenrir the wolf!) and is a warrior similar to Ares.
Who is Tyr! (Tuesday!)
This Norse goddess is associated with the harvest and crops--her Greek equivalent is Demeter!
Who is Sif (of the Golden Hair)?
In this myth, wisdom comes with a dear, dear price.
What is Odin's eye?
In Norse culture it wasn't uncommon for women to join in the battles, or be land owners. These powerful ladies were called this....
What are battle maidens? OR, in Odin's case especially, what are the Valkeries?
This teacher's hobbies include hiking, baking, and reading while snuggling animals.
Who is Mrs. Bahr?
This Norse god was the most pure, and most loved.
Who is Baldur?
This Norse goddess is in charge of marriage and motherhood, and is the queen.
Who is Frigga?
In this myth, Loki plays a terrible trick on Thor's wife.
What is Sif of the Golden Hair?
These are the countries that make-up modern day Norse territory.
What are Scandinavian countries? (OR- What are Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ice-Land?)
This teacher lived in Southeast Asia and Northeast England.
Who is Mrs. Wardle?
This Norse god is known for his meddling, shapeshifting, and mischief.
Who is Loki?
Technically not a goddess, but she does control a version of the underworld. She and Hades, and Medusa, have a lot in common! (Like Medusa she can turn humans to stone with a look!!)
Who is Hela? OR Who is Hel?
In this myth, Thor must battle the world serpent.
What is Ragnarok/Thor's fishing trip?
Vikings are famous for going on raids due to overpopulation and a lack of resources, and sometimes they might even become enraged. This is what the enraged-ness is known as, and we still use this word today.
What is a berserker? OR What is going berserk?
This teacher has a collection of cats with different uniquenesses.
Who is Ms. Nesbitt?
This Norse god looks like Gandalf, and traded an eye for wisdom.
Who is Odin? (Or Woden--Wednesday!)
These wily and blind creatures weave fate.
Who are the Norns?
In this myth the most beloved son of the gods is killed--thanks to Loki and mistletoe.
What is the myth of Baldur?
If you were a brave Norse Warrior, you might hope to go here when you died in battle to drink mead (fermented honey-wine) with the gods.
What is Valhalla?
This teacher loves ice cream.
Who is Mrs. Holliday?