Norse Realms
Gods & Creatures
Loki's Mischief

This is the realm where the gods live.

What is Asgard?


The 2 beings that were there in the beginning.

Who is Ymir and Audhumla the cow?


Another name for Ragnarok.

What is an apocalypse?


This is the God of Thunder!

Who is Thor?


This is how the gods gain their gifts from Svartalfheim.

What is Loki stealing Sif's hair and being forced to replace it?


These are the realms that are on either side of Ginnungagap and what they are known for.

What are Niflheim (realm of fire) and Muspelheim (realm of cold and ice)?


This is the name of the world tree of life.

What is Yggdrasil?


The name of the god whose death started the chaos that began the Ragnarok.

Who is Baldr?


This is the all-father, son of Borr and Bestla, brother to Vili and Ve.

Who is Odin?


This is how Loki is able to kill Baldur.

What is encouraging Hodur to join in the festivities and shoot a piece of mistletoe at Baldur?


This is the realm where the dwarves or dark elves make different weapons and items from.

What is Svartalfheim?


They killed Ymir and used his body to create the world.

Who are Odin, Vili, and Ve?


This is who fights against Thor in Ragnarök.

Who is Jormungundr?


These are the 2 children of the Vanir gods, Njord and Skadi.

Who are Freyr and Freya?


This what Loki stole from Freya and leads to Thor having to be dressed up as a bride.

What is the Brisingamen necklace?


The realm that belongs to the Vanir and the realm of Giants.

What are the realms Vanaheim and Jotenheim known for?

These are the 4 creatures that are on Yggdrasil that cause chaos and spread gossip and most of their names.

Who is Ratatosk the squirrel, Nidhogg the serpent/dragon that chews on the roots, the eagle, and the hawk Vedrfolnir.


This is who fights Surtr and Fenrir.

Who is Freyr against Surtr and Odin against Fenrir?


This is the god who is considered a watcher of the Aesir, who has the Gjallar horn to notify the beginning of Ragnarök, and who helped Odin to make different groups of people on Midgard.

Who is Heimdall?


These are the names of all 6 of Loki's children.

Sif - Narfi & Vale

Angrboda - Jormungandr, Fenrir, Hel

Svadilfare - Sleipnir


This is the realm that is ruled over by Freyr.

What is Alfheim (bright elves)?


The names of the first humans that were carved out of what two trees, and were given life by the gods.

What is ash and elm?


These are 3 of the people who survived Ragnarök.

Who are: Vidar, Vali the avenger, Thor's sons Magni and Modi, Baldur, Hodur, and Honir?


This is how the giants were made - there are 2 parts!

Audhumla licked the ice block until Buri was free. The other giants were born from Ymir's armpit and sweat. Together, they all created the giants.


These are the 6 gifts that came from Loki's fake competition between Ivaldi's 3 sons and Brokk and Eitri.

What are Odin’s spear is “Gungnir," Sif’s spun gold wig, Freyr’s foldable ship is called “Skidbladnir,” Odin’s arm-circlet is “Draupnir," Freyr’s boar to pull his chariot is “Gullinbursti,” Thor’s amazing hammer is “Mjollnir.”