The highest percentage of a CARF race category for North Central?
What is White 46.16%
#1 Service type at North Central
What is MH Psychiatric Services?
Clinical Director's favorite color.
What is Pink?
This is what CARF stands for
What is Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitative Facilities?
What is Mood Disorders? 24.81%
The second highest CARF Race Category at North Central
What is Black or African American 45.39%
#2 Service Type at North Central
What is MH Case Management?
Undisputed Chicken Wing champion of North Central
Who is Matt Diamond?
Number of days for CARF Survey
What is 3?
What is Substance Abuse?
The third highest percentage of CARF Race Category at North Central
What is Unknown? 4.63%
# 3 Service Type at North Central
What is MH Individual Counseling?
The number of Italian Greyhounds Matt Diamond has
What is 2?
Total rounded number of CARF standards surveyed
What is over 2000?
What are Anxiety Disorders?
The Fourth highest CARF race category at North Central
What is Asian? 2.61%
# 12 Type of Service at North Central
What is MH PCE?
Years of operation as of 2025
What is 52?
The newest North Central Department seeking accreditation
What is 988?
What is Schizophrenia?
The lowest percentage of CARF race category at North Central
What is Alaskan Native? 0.02%
# 13 Type of Service at North Central
What is SUD Med Somatic?
Medical records was located here before its current location
What is Genoa Pharmacy?
An item CARF says requires correction
What is a finding?
What are Adjustment Disorders? 13.64%