The science of plants
North Dakota crops

What animal has multiple stomachs?

NONE! However, sheep, goats & cattle all are ruminant animals. Meaning they have 1 stomach with 4 different compartments. 

Fun fact: Ruminants are hoofed mammals that have the ability to digest coarse feeds that other animals and humans can't eat. the 4th compartment of the stomach is where the digestion actually occurs. 


Which of these four animals aid in pollination; Hummingbirds, bees, bats or butterflies?

ALL OF THEM! Hummingbirds, bees, bats and butterflies all aid in the pollination of plants.


What fruit  is high in Vitamin C?

Red Bell Pepper, Oranges, strawberries, kiwi and grapefruit are all examples of fruit high in Vitamin C.

Fun Fact: Red bell peppers are the sweetest bell pepper and contain 3X the vitamin C of an orange!


What do plants need to survive?

Plants need oxygen, water, and sunlight all which aid in plant growth.


What vegetable has eyes?

POTATOES! Potatoes start to sprout tiny buds called eyes which can then be planted in the ground to produce more potato plants!


What is the fastest growing livestock animal?

PIGS! Pigs start out the size of your palm and in 6 months they are full grown weighing in at about 250 lbs.


What is the only food produced by insects that is eaten by both humans and insects?



Beef is a primary source of what nutrient?

Protein, Iron and Zinc!  Beef and a variety of other meats provide us protein and iron in our diets.

Fun Fact: ND ranchers produce enough beef to make 113 million hamburgers a year!


What is the farming technique where plants grow in water only without any soil present?


Fun fact: ND dispersed 58 hydroponic gardens to classrooms throughout the state this year, so kids had the opportunity to grow their own food.


What is a fruit grown in ND that produces 500 seeds or more?

Pumpkins and watermelon are all examples of fruit that can produce 500+ seeds each!


What livestock animal played an important role in North Dakota history?

HORSES! They were first used in the area by American Indian people. Today, some horses in the state are still used to herd cattle on ranches but most are kept for recreational purposes. 


What do beekeepers use to keep bees calm while harvesting honey?

Using SMOKE helps calm the bees while harvesting honey and does not harm them.

Fun Fact: North Dakota ranks #1 in Honey production. ND often can produce double, triple or quadruple the amount of honey that is produced in other states!


What is the most important meal of the day?

BREAKFAST!  Breakfast provides us a great start, giving us the physical and mental energy needed to start the day at our best.


Can fish help plants grow?

Yes!  Aquaponics is a new farming technique where the fish in water provides nutrients to water plants helping them grow.


What fruit is good for your eyes and skin? 

SQUASH! Did you know Squash is a fruit? There are over 100 types of these, and the Native Americans were the first to grow them in North Dakota.


Annually North Dakota farmers raise about 1 million of this animal. Which livestock animals is it?

TURKEY! there are about 9 North Dakota farms that collectively raise about 1 million turkey's a year.


What else can pollinate plants besides animals?

WIND! Some of the most important crop plants are pollinated by the wind.  They include wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley and oats.


Name a vegetable that is high in protein?

Kale, spinach, lentils and black beans are all examples of vegetables that are high in protein.

Fun fact: ND is ranked #1 in edible bean production, averaging around 600+acres of edible beans each year with 89 of those acres strictly being black beans!


What is it called when a seed sprouts a tiny plant?

GERMINATION is the process where a seed sprouts a tiny plant starting the plant life cycle.


What two ND grown crops makeup Sunbutter?


Fun fact: North Dakota is the #1 producer in the US of both commodities!


Slippers, hand lotion, violin strings, feta cheese and wool sweaters are all made from what livestock animal?

SHEEP! We use or eat products from livestock every day. 

Fun fact: There are about 63,000 sheep raised in North Dakota each year!


If a worker bee lives 42 days, how many weeks does it live?

6 Weeks


At mealtime, what percentage of your plate should be made up of grains? 

The USDA MyPlate graphic states 30% of your plate should be made up of grains which include items like wheat, rice, oats and barley.


Can we eat the roots of a plant?

Yes!  Carrots are an example of a root plant we eat. The orange part of the carrot is the root of the plant.

Fun Fact: Carrots come in a variety of colors ranging from orange to white to purple. Next time look for the different colors in your grocery store or try growing your own at home.


What types of food products are made with North Dakota wheat?

Flour is made from wheat, flour makes bread, cake, cookies, pizza and a variety of other things we love to eat!  

Fun Fact: North Dakota farmers produce enough wheat to make more than 11 billion loaves of bread!