Farm to School
The science of plants
North Dakota crops

What is Farm to School?

Farm to school is composed of local food in schools, agricultural education and school gardens.


Which of these four animals aid in pollination, Hummingbirds, bees, bats or butterflies?

ALL OF THEM! Hummingbirds, bees, bats and butterflies all aid in the pollination of plants.


Name a fruit that is high in Vitamin C.

Oranges, strawberries, kiwi and grapefruit are all examples of fruit high in Vitamin C.


What do plants need to survive?

Plants need oxygen, water, and sunlight all which aid in plant growth.


What vegetable has eyes?

POTATOES! Potatoes start to sprout tiny buds called eyes which can then be planted in the ground to produce more potato plants!


Where is Farm to School happening?

ALL 50 states and D.C.!


What is the only food eaten by both humans and insects?



Beef is a primary source of what nutrient?

Protein, Iron and Zinc!  Beef and a variety of other meats provide us protein and iron in our diets.


Can plants grow without soil?

Yes!  Hydroponics is a new farming technique where plants grow in water only without soil present. 


Name a fruit(s) grown in ND that produces 500 seeds or more.

Pumpkins and watermelon are all examples of fruit that can produce 500+ seeds each!


What are examples of farm to school activities?

School gardens, farmers selling goods directly to schools, field trips to farms, cooking demos, taste testing for students, composting, farmer coming in and talking to students.


What do beekeepers use to keep bees calm while harvesting honey?

Using smoke helps calm the bees while harvesting honey and does not harm them.


What is the most important meal of the day?

BREAKFAST!  Breakfast provides us a great start, giving us the physical and mental energy needed to start the day at our best.


Can fish help plants grow?

Yes!  Aquaponics is a new farming technique where the fish in water provides nutrients to water plants helping them grow.


What type of produce is harvested right after sprouting?

MICROGREENS!  They are harvested right after sprouting, are nutrient dense and have over 80 varieties.  They are used on sandwiches, salads and soups.  


What Farm to School activities does your school participate in?

Open responses, feel free to share!


What else can pollinate plants besides animals?

WIND! Some of the most important crop plants are pollinated by the wind.  They include wheat, rice, corn, rye, barley and oats.


Name a vegetable that is high in protein?

Kale, spinach, lentils and black beans are all examples of vegetables that are high in protein.


What is it called when a seed sprouts a tiny plant?

Germination is the process where a seed sprouts a tiny plant starting the plant life cycle.


What two ND grown crops makeup Sunbutter?

SUNFLOWERS & HONEY! North Dakota is the #1 producer in the US of both commodities!


Which month is Farm to School month?

October is Farm to School month!  Many schools encourage students to eat local during October.


If a worker bee lives 42 days, how many weeks does it live?

6 Weeks


At mealtime, what percentage of your plate should be made up of grains? 

The USDA MyPlate graphic states 30% of your plate should be made up of grains which include items like wheat, rice, oats and barley.


Can we eat the roots of a plant?

Yes!  Carrots are an example of a root plant we eat. The orange part of the carrot is the root of the plant.


What types of food products are made with North Dakota wheat?

Flour is made from wheat, flour makes bread, cake, cookies, pizza and a variety of other things we love to eat!