What was Ben's longest bike ride
Oregon to Delaware 62 days
How do I order food for lunch
fill out the morning menu.
I don't know what personal space is. I get in your bubble.
Space invader
When did Ms. Michi graduate from high school?
How many bathrooms are in the North Point building?
What does JB match his hoodie to
his earrings
What kind of sandwich is available if I don't want what the cafe is offering for lunch
PeanutButter and Jelly Sandwich
I like to boss other people around and call them names
Mean Jean
What is Rachel's favorite animal
What time does North Point start and when does it end?
double points if both are correct
9:00 am to 3:30pm
What is Brittany's services dog's name
Where can I find whats for lunch today
on the board or cafe calendar in the staff window.
They there not always accurate
I defeat Rock Brain
Double points if you can tell me what rock brain does
Rex Flexinator
Rock brain gets you stuck on a thought. Black and white thinking
How old is Jade
Double point if you know her favorite color
What do clients do on their last day? Clue: it includes paint
put their handprint on the wall
Is Mellisa right handed or left handed?
Left handed
My favorite food at the cafe or north point is
Your choice
I tell the same joke over and over and over again. Other people don't think I am very funny. They call me annoying sometimes
What animal is Jon always looking for in the bathroom
Krystal's dolphin friend
What is written above the door handle to the milieu and the staff office.
to the left, to the left, turn your key to the left
What animal tattoo does Krystal have
Penguin on her leg
pawprint on her arm
Double points if you named both
What are some safe and expected behaviors to see when I am in the cafe
seating calmly in my chair, inside voice, waiting for my turn, telling staff where I am going, saying thank you to the cafeteria workers, what else can you think of.
I only remember the bad or negative things in the day. I can be irritable or grumpy
Grump grumpainy
Why does Jackson usually wear a hat?
He does not like to do his hair
What group is typically held on Tuesday
Double points if you know the acronym
SELF Group
Safety, emotions, loss and future