Where are the books?
First floor behind the Librarian's desk.
What is the official ID required to check out materials from the Northeastern University Library
The Husky Card
True or False: You can select from a list of types of databases in order to be able to find the subject of which you are looking for.
Where can you find information about and guides for citation styles
The Northeastern library website
Where can I find a printer?
After entering the library, to your left and near the end of the isle.
(T/F) The third floor study rooms are reserved exclusively for Graduates.
This is so true
How long can you borrow a book for this standard loan period before needing to renew it
28 days
True or False: The databases are listed in order from A-Z in the databases tab.
How and when can you contact a librarian
You can call, text, or email 24/7
What do you need to do at a printer before printing?
Sign into your NUID and select the job you want to print.
What is the longest you can reserve a room for?
3 Hours
What is the self-service technology allows you to borrow books without going to the circulation desk
Self-checkout kiosks
How many different subjects are available to you on the Northeastern Library
What is ScholarOne Search?
Northeastern’s search catalog and discovery system used to search and access journals and articles, books and e-books, films, documents, and newspapers.
How much money does each student get of printing money per academic year?
120 USD
Your computers' confused,
And you blow a fuse,
Who you gonna call?
The Tech Bar!
If a book you need is checked out, you can place this type of request to be notified when it’s available.
A hold request
How many database types are there on the library.
How do you get a locker?
You can sign up for a locker through the Husky Card Services portal in the Student Hub. To obtain a locker you need to be an active student and have a functioning Husky Card.
Printing might be confusing -- Where can you get help with printing something?
What piece of tech do the presentation rooms have?
A movement tracking camer
Guests without a Northeastern ID must complete this process to gain access to the library.
Pre-registering for a visitor pass?
How many databases does the Northeastern Library have.
543 databases
What local museums and local attractions does the library have passes to?
Northeastern University is a member of both the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. Undergraduates and graduate students have free access; check their websites for hours and ticket instructions.