True or False
Similarities and Differences
Dakota Culture
The Ojibwe learned from the Dakota how to make birchbark canoes.
What is false.The Ojibwe actually taught the Dakota how to make birch bark canoes.
Describe for me the first stopping place of the Ojibwe migration story.
What is a turtle-shaped island. The place is now called Montreal.
True or False: Both the Dakota and the Ojibwe harvested wild rice.
What is true.
What year did the Dakota first encounter the Ojibwe?
What is 1500.
The Ojibwe lived in tipis.
What is false. The Ojibwe lived in wigwams most of the year.
The second stop in the Ojibwe migration story involves a great waterfall where water and thunder met. Name the present-day place.
What is Niagra Falls.
Give one example of how the Dakota and Ojibwe were similar.
What is (teacher's decision).
True or False: Men did most of the fishing in the summer and women usually did the fishing during winter.
What is false. Opposite.
There were periods of peace and war between the Ojibwe and Dakota.
What is true.
The third stopping place in the Ojibwe migration story involves two large bodies of water connected by a narrow river. What modern day city is now there?
What is Detroit.
Give two examples (not stated before) of how the Dakota and Ojibwe were similar.
What is (teacher's decision).
What effect did metal axes traded by Europeans have on Ojibwe lifestyle and culture?
What is they took hours off the time needed to make a dwelling or canoe, and firewood was easier to cut.
The Ojibwe once lived near Sault Sainte Marie.
What is true.
At the sixth stopping place in the Ojibwe migration story the Ojibwe found rice that grew on the water. Which great lake were the Ojibwe located by at this time?
What is Lake Superior.
Give two examples of how the Dakota and Ojibwe were different.
Fill in the blanks: Native American groups formed alliances with the __________ or __________, who encouraged either peace or warfare, depending on which would improve the fur trade.
What is French and British.
The Ojibwe call themselves the Hahatonwan.
What is false. The Ojibwe call themselves the Anishinaabe. The Dakota have called them the Hahatonwan, or the people of the falls.
Name the stopping place (5th stopping place) where the Dakota first saw Ojibwe people. Also name the seventh and final stopping place for the Ojibwe people.
What is Sault Sainte Marie and Chequamegon Bay.
List one more way (that has not already been stated) the Dakota and Ojibwe were similar and one more way (that has not already been stated) how they were different.
What did the Ojibwe, Dakota, and French each gain from the alliance made in 1679?
What is Ojibwe - allowed to hunt farther west. Dakota - access to European goods. French - reliable source of furs.